Deadly Reunion

Deadly Reunion by Elisabeth Crabtree

Book: Deadly Reunion by Elisabeth Crabtree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Crabtree
Tags: Fiction, Mystery, Retail
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smiled. Another vote.
    “I was planning on voting for her, but I’ve decided to go with Crystal.”
    Grace’s smiled falter ed. “Why, did Hope do something?”
    “No, not at all. It just would n’t be right for Tom to be the King and his wife to lose.”
    “Oh, I’ m sure Crystal wouldn’t mind,” Grace lied.
    “You’ve met Crystal, haven’t you?” Laura asked, before taking back her pictures and moving on to another classmate.
    Surprisingly enough, there was a small contingent of voters, who were voting for Crystal simply based on whether they thought her husband would be King.
    It was going to be close. To o close for Grace’s comfort.
    Grace just hoped that whatever happened , Hope would be a gracious winner or loser, as the case may be.
    “Hello everyone! Can I have everyone's attention?” Grace looked up to see her sister standing in the middle of the stage holding a microphone. Grace had forgotten that ‘gracious’ wasn’t in Hope’s vocabulary.
    “I hope everyone remembers me , but just in case you've forgotten, I am Hope Holliday,” she said, as modestly as she could over the crowd's cheers. “I just wanted to say how happy I am to be back home.” More cheers. “I have missed you all. No place I have been, and I have been everywhere, compares to home.”
    Grace felt a cold hand touch the small of her back. “How does she say these things with a straight face? I really should have her in my next movie.”
    Grace laughed. “Adam, I doubt you could afford her.”
    “You’re probably right. So , where did you disappear to?”
    “I didn't disappear. I have been right here getting to know my old classmates.”
    “Oh no! I know what you have been up to. Hope roped you into getting her votes.”
    “How did you guess?” she said, looking up into his handsome face. Tilting her head, she noticed the bruise she had seen earlier was now missing.
    “She ga ve me the same marching orders. It's not looking good. I think Crystal has a small majority. What will Hope do to us if we fail?”
    “I have no idea , but I am going to be standing right by the door when they make the announcement.”
    “All right, if they announce Crystal's name , I'll be right behind you.” Adam laughed. “Hey, I'm sorry for all the trouble Steve and the others were giving you at the table. Steve was always a jerk.”
    “Let's forget abo ut what happened at the table.” Grace desperately wished everyone could forget about what happened at the table.
    “Your boss is . . . interesti ng. He seems rather young to be a detective.” Grace nodded, as she tried to think of a way to casually steer the conversation away from Kyle. “He has led a rather fascinating life. You too, apparently. I am still having trouble believing everything he has been saying about you. With all that you’ve done, when did you have time to become an expert in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and cage fighting?”
    “Weekends,” she lied automatically, while thinking Kyle had better pray she never does take up Jiu-Jitsu.
    Adam looked at her doubtfully. “Hmm. I’m still thinking of hiring you two, or actually, just you. I need help.”
    Grace quickly shook her head. “Sorry, Adam. I don’t work alone , and I’m afraid Mr. Drake’s already on his way back to New York.”
    “No, he's not. He’s over there.” Adam pointed to a table, near the entrance, surrounded by people.
    Grace turned her head in time to see Kyle pull brightly colored-scarves out of his coat. Feeling the nerve behind her left eye twitch, Grace reached a hand up to her head.
    “ Uh oh. Crystal just got on the stage. This looks interesting. I think I'll go watch. Coming?”
    Grace was torn between wanting to support her sister , and wanting to strangle Kyle. Finally, self-preservation won out over loyalty, as Grace turned towards Kyle and his groupies. “No. I think I should talk to my . . . my . . .” Grace gestured hopelessly, trying to think of what she should call him.

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