Death of a Cupcake Queen

Death of a Cupcake Queen by Lee Hollis

Book: Death of a Cupcake Queen by Lee Hollis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Hollis
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    Mona sat there scowling.
    But Hayley sensed there might be a tiny part of her that might be looking forward to attending the reunion. She just had to keep up her dour exterior so as not to jeopardize her prickly reputation.
    Hayley felt in her bones that it was going to be a memorable night.
    She just had no idea how memorable.

Chapter 8
    Hayley never imagined they could pull off a memorable reunion in such a short period of time, but from the moment her former classmates began pouring into the Kebo Valley Golf Club, hugging and laughing and snapping selfies to tweet out to family and friends, it quickly became clear the party was going to be a resounding success.
    In the end, Sabrina, Nykki, and Ivy went with a minimum amount of decorations mostly because they got bored with the effort and were distracted by a private reunion dinner for their cheerleading squad and a few more boating outings with their rich friends.
    That was fine by Hayley.
    She was left in peace to make sure there was plenty of food for everyone without busting their budget.
    Liddy and Mona showed up early to help set up the tables of appetizers and after a quick countdown of platters, everything was put out piping hot and ready to serve.
    The only item still heating up in the oven was Hayley’s tasty mini party quiches.
    Hayley also enlisted the aid of her son, Dustin, an aspiring filmmaker, to record the festivities on his GoPro camera that he saved up for all last summer from bagging groceries at the Shop ‘n Save. Dustin weaved in and out of all the clusters of revelers grabbing priceless reactions of people reunited with friends they hadn’t seen in two decades. Hayley had told Dustin not to get too fancy, but the mini JJ Abrams was panning and swishing as if this little video was destined to be a finalist at the Cannes Film Festival.
    As she removed tin foil off a crockpot of Swedish meatballs that bubbled in a sea of gravy, Hayley caught sight of Mona hugging a balding man with a goatee, so small and fragile she feared Mona might snap him in half. She didn’t recognize him at first or the man with him, who was almost as tiny and wearing a bright lime blazer that matched his companion’s. Then it dawned on her.
    Norman Langford.
    Mona’s prom date.
    The dance captain from Rhode Island.
    Mona, who had downed a few dirty martinis before the cash bar even opened, was rosy-cheeked and glassy-eyed and already having a marvelous time. She and Norman were giggling and hugging and then Mona hooked a meaty hand around the man next to Norman, presumably his husband, and pulled him into her bosom squeezing him so tight he fought for air.
    Hayley knew in her gut if she could just get Mona to attend the reunion, she would ultimately have fun, and her feeling was right.
    Hayley scanned the crowd.
    Liddy was busy flirting with all her old boyfriends from high school.
    Even the married ones.
    Sabrina and Nykki were huddled with their clique of girls, most of whom were remarkably well preserved, a couple sporting bodies worthy of supermodels.
    What the hell was their secret?
    Hayley wondered where Ivy was with her self-proclaimed world famous cupcakes?
    Maybe that was their secret to a slim figure.
    Unlike Hayley, they weren’t thinking about cupcakes.
    Or food in general.
    All the time.
    Hayley was chomping at the bit to mingle with her former classmates. She noticed more arriving by the minute and it made her smile. All of these people from her past in one room. It was bringing back a lot of fond memories.
    She was about to slip in line at the bar for a Jack and Coke and chat up Lisa O’Donnell, an old friend who sat in front of her in homeroom and who still lived in town and worked at the Harbor Side Hotel, when she suddenly smelled something burning.
    Her mini party quiches.
    Hayley dashed into the kitchen and saw wisps of smoke billowing out of the oven. She grabbed an oven mitt off the counter and whipped open the

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