while a sob forms. I cry. I rest my folded arms on the table and lower my head down onto them, and weep so hard that it rocks my entire body. Tears roll out of my eyes, down my face, and along my neck. Julie pulls a chair next to me, and leans in, rubbing my back. She sits silent, while I continue to cry for a long time.
    When my tears cease forming, I sit with my head lowered on my arms, taking in slow breaths, attempting to calm myself. "I once loved him," I slur, between gasps, in a tone barely loud enough for anyone but myself.
    "I'm sorry."
    Raising my head from my arms, Julie offers me a tissue. "I loved him with every ounce of my being, and he tore up my world in return."
    "I had no idea that you knew him when he called asking to meet with you. I'm so sorry, Amy. I would have never made the appointment, had I known."
    "You couldn't have known," I respond, shaking my head. And it's that moment I'm reminded why he was here. My chest tightens. "It's his parents?"
    "It’s his parents. Someone killed his parents?" Somehow tears have found a way to form in my eyes again.
    There’s a light knock at the door. It opens slightly, and Laura looks in. She enters the room, quietly shutting the door behind her. She comes to my side and stops when she sees the pool of water, glass, and roses covering the floor. Pulling a chair out on the other side of me, she sits, putting an arm around my shoulder. "I can't believe he had the nerve to show up here."
    I stare at her and shake my head in disbelief. "Of all the law firms in the state, why does he think that I'm the best person to help him, after all that we've been through? Did he really think that I’m able to forget what he did to me?" I rest my head on her shoulder. "Did you hear? His parents were killed.”
    "I just heard about it. That's really sad."
    Travis was once the love of my life. He was my entire world, until he decided to cheat on me and knock up some bimbo. We started dating when we were sophomores in high school, and our relationship grew until we became inseparable. We were excited when we both received our acceptance letters to Stanford. But then shortly afterward, Travis received notice that Yale was going to give him a full scholarship into the engineering program. He felt like he needed to take the scholarship; his parents weren't wealthy. They would be able to pay his loans while he was in school, but he would have had to take over payments once he graduated. That thought overwhelmed him. We made a pact that we would make it work; we convinced ourselves that our love was so strong that nothing could come between us. But six weeks after starting college, I got word that he was cheating on me. And the girl he was with was pregnant―three months pregnant. It shattered my world into a million pieces. I took the rest of the semester off and moved back home, spending every day lying in bed. My heart hurt so much that I decided I couldn't go on anymore, so I overdosed on my mom's prescription medication. After my mom found me unconscious, they had to revive me and pump the pills out of my system in the ER. It devastated my parents. I returned to school five months later and dedicated all of my time to studying, not giving a minute to any guy who happened to make advances. Beyond the initial phone calls, that went unanswered, I never heard from Travis again…until today. Seeing him in my office brought me back to that dark time in my life.
    I convince Laura and Julie that I'll be fin e —I’ m really just wanting to be alone for a bit. After cleaning up the shattered glass and roses that blanket the floor, I throw it all in the trash. Why does every guy I give my heart to feel the need to cheat on me?
    Deciding I need to get out of the office, I tell Julie that I'm leaving for the afternoon, and advise her to reschedule the rest of my meetings for the day. After lowering the roof on my convertible, I decide that I'm going to grab lunch and sit in

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