Demon Hunters
where we
are, why the Hell are we even running?”
    “Would you rather just stop and allow it to
crush you?”
    “Why doesn’t it attack?”
    “The demon is too weak. Even if Sam is
helping it, the demon simply doesn’t have the strength yet to come
after you like it wants to. How are you feeling?”
    “Fine. A little stiff, I guess, but other
than that I’m cool,” Ivar sat back, but his eyes were worried. They
darted around nervously across the room. “So when we finish here,
what’s our next stop?”
    “That’s what I’m working on. I need to make
a call. If the waitress comes before I get back, order me the
vegetable omelet.” He slid out and headed to the pay phones in
back. I picked up my cup and looked down at the dark fluid inside.
The slight shimmer of the light shining above me reflected back up
into my face. More people came filing in and the noise level began
to grow. It seemed almost everyone looked like a truck driver. A
few more waitresses appeared and they were busy buzzing from table
to table. I looked up and nearly jumped in my seat as I saw Sam
sitting across from me.
    “Hello, Jake,” He said. “Before you freak,
you should know I’m not really here. This is merely a projection
I’m sending to your mind, courtesy of your demon friend.”
    “You are helping it.”
    “A deal was made, true. That was the plan
all along.”
    “Excuse me?”
    “I could smell the power on you the minute
you walked into that jail cell. You had something incredible inside
you and I had to have it. You were all too willing to offer it to
me. After I extracted it and it realized how weak it was, I was
able to offer it my help in tracking you in exchange for certain
    “Power?” Sam let out a sharp laugh.
    “Hardly. Once the demon destroys you and
assumes its full power, it will be able to lay waste to this entire
planet. You were lucky enough to be bonded to an Armageddon level
demon. It’s lost so much power trapped within your flesh and it’s
built a big head of steam. I help it, and I shall be given Earth as
my own realm, to rule over as I see fit.” I drank in his words and
they settled on my brain for a good five minutes. Finally, an
abrupt giggle escaped my lips and soon evolved into a full on
hearty laugh. As my eyes began tearing up, I saw Sam looking back
at me with a dark gaze, but I couldn’t stop.
    “Sorry, man. Really. It’s scary. You’re
going to rule the world!”
    “Your ignorance aside, I will attain the
power I need to make this world mine.”
    “Seriously? I mean, why would you even want
to? Seems to me ruling the whole world would just be one giant
headache. All those people. If I were you, I’d just take the
    “It’s hardly a consideration as I will have
the strength to bend the minds of every living creature to my own
will. I get the idea you don’t really appreciate the gravity of the
situation.” He was right, to an extent. I just couldn’t see that
misfire ruling over a colony of ants much less the whole
    “You read a lot of comic books as a child,
    “I won’t just rule this world. I will be
given the power of a true demon! I will finally be the being I knew
I was destined to be and when I am, I will crush humanity under my
heel! Satan will call me brother!” His face was twisted in a
hideous smile as his eyes burned like yellow flames. He dug his
nails into the table and clawed at it like an animal.
    “So you came here to warn me about all of
    “I just felt you deserved to know
everything, and by sitting here, I’m giving the demon a chance to
zero in on you. I’ll see you soon.” He then vanished into nothing.
I waved my arm around the air where Sam had been.
    “Hey,” Ivar said as he came up behind me. “I
just called a friend of mine at a nearby airfield. It took some
convincing, but he agreed to take us to our final location.”
    “That’s great. Could we go now?”
    “We haven’t even

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