Demon Love
and started toward him. “Thor!”
    He gently pulled her into his arms and cupped her cheek with a shaky hand. “Are you okay?”
    She smiled up at him. “Nothing that won’t heal. And you?”
    He grimaced, remembering the change he’d undergone. “I’m…”
    Kendra wrapped a hand behind his neck and pulled him to her until their lips touched, cutting off his words with a kiss that was anything but timid. By the time she broke the kiss, he’d almost forgotten what he was going to say. “I changed.”
    Kendra reached out and caressed his face. “I know and you were spectacular. I don’t care if you transform every night. I love you, and that will never change.”
    In that moment, the internal battle between beast and man he’d lived with since his teen years ended. For the first time in his life he felt complete and in control of the animal within. He had this woman to thank for that. Even if he had a thousand years, he could never begin to repay her, but he had a few ideas on how he might start.
    He carefully held her in his arms, not wanting to let go. “I’ll try not to change too often, but no matter which form I’m in, I’ll always love you.”
    “I know.” Kendra pulled his head down to hers, wondering how she’d gotten so lucky. “Now stop talking and kiss me.”
    He kissed her passionately as the rest of the world faded around them. The sound of approaching voices brought them back to the reality of where they were. With one last touch of her lips to his, she let go of him and together they turned to see Erik, Navida and Midnight watching them.
    Kendra smiled. “I think our secret is out.”
    Erik threw his head back and laughed. “You two suck at keeping secrets. She’s working with you now, Midnight, starting with your next rotation.”
    Midnight turned to them both. “Fine, but I expect her to be on time and no excuses for being late. And for God’s sake, don’t come to work wearing that silly grin. This is serious business.”
    Kendra laughed again. “I’ll be on time, don’t worry. As for the silly grin, I make no promises.”
    Thor turned to Navida. “You have any opinions?”
    Navida gave a big sigh. “It’s about time. I was beginning to think the two of you would never hook up. Now hurry up. We’ve still got work to do.”
    The three of them turned and walked away, leaving Kendra and Thor suddenly alone and her feeling very off balance. “This isn’t going to be easy you know.”
    Thor pulled her into his arms. “Nothing worth having ever is. But together we can slay the demons that get in our way.”
    She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Together. I like the sound of that.”
    Her lips touched his and she knew, without any hesitation, that everything was going to be fine so long as they had each other. Reluctantly, she pulled away. “Well, we’d better get back to work.”
    Thor slipped an arm about her waist as they walked down the street. “I sure hope you can type fast when we get back to the office. I’m looking forward to going home.”
    “So am I.” Kendra smiled as they turned to leave. She knew, in that moment, she was a very lucky woman. She’d managed to find something she thought she’d never have, her very own happy-ever-after with the man of her dreams.

    Don’t miss the other spooky and sensual NOCTURNE BITES, available at and wherever ebooks are sold. Titles include:
    Time Raiders: The Warrior’s Touch by Delilah Devlin
    Color Weaver by Connie Hall
    Time Raiders: The Whisper by Elle James
    A Vampire’s Salvation by Alexis Morgan
    One Night with the Wolf by Anna Hackett
    Shadow’s Caress by Patti O’Shea  
    A Night with a Vampire by Cythia Cooke
    Siren Song by Stephanie Draven
    Vampire in Her Mysts by Meagan Hatfield
    Courage of the Wolf by Bonnie Vanak
    The Ninja Vampire’s Girl by Michele Hauf
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