Demon's Captive

Demon's Captive by Stephanie Snow

Book: Demon's Captive by Stephanie Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Snow
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his arms.
      Day-to-day life was somewhat routine during their first two weeks. They took meals in the dining room. He worked every day; sometimes on the deck, sometimes in his office. They spent time going through the ship, which seemed huge and complicated to her. Everywhere there were people working, and he oversaw them all.
      Almost a full month after her arrival, he took her off the ship to visit places where work had begun on her planet. The warriors had given way to a new wave, still alien, but with a far different purpose. She was astounded by their industrious natures. Instead of decimating her world, they were remodeling existing cities and towns to suit their purposes.
      They visited a farming operation she had been to twice before. Harvesting the crops had taken no time at all. Now that the land was bare, tests were done, she assumed, to determine if their own crops could grow in the foreign soil.
      Her gaze wandered to the fields, and she saw people! In obvious good health, planting seeds in the long rows of the earth. Charity stood rooted to the spot, staring at them.
      Some talked amongst themselves; they did not appear abused. Most importantly, though, they were her people. She had believed all of them were dead, killed by the war tribe. This unexpected vision brought her first real joy in almost a year. She recalled forgotten dreams of a family, her own children, and a life of happiness. Those dreams were still possible if her people had survived!
      Without thinking, she took several steps toward the ramp leading down to the earth. She never made it off the platform.
      Brutal fingers caught the back of her neck, holding her immobile. Melmanon! Breathless from the pressure at her neck, with the others warriors gone, she and Melmanon were alone on the platform outside the transport they had arrived on.
      Unable to see her master, she felt him step close behind her. His hands pressed down on her shoulders, causing her to stumble to her knees. Ahead, she still saw the people, but it was his words, spoken hotly into the delicate shell of her ear, that had her attention.
      "You will never know them, slave." His fingers bit deeply into her arms. She cried out in pain. "They did not fight our warriors, and so they have earned the right to live. But you…you ran from us. You put yourself above a warrior, slave. You will never have a friend. Never lie with a man. Never bear a child. Do you understand?"
      Tears trailed fast in hot streams down her face. His words stung, and his hands hurt her flesh. She was so used to his controlled manner that this frightening brutality shocked her. Charity heard herself whimper, and when he pulled her into the transport and dropped her to the floor of the ship, she moaned in relief.
    * * * * *

          Back in Melmanon's room on the ship, Charity watched numbly as he furiously stripped her clothes, hurling them into a corner. When she was naked, her pale skin showed red streaks where his fingers had gripped her. He turned her to face the wall, lifted her hands above her head, and used the leather ties from her top to lash her wrists to a hook set high in the wall. When he finished, she was stretched tight, her bare breasts and belly pressed against the cold steel. Her nipples hardened painfully at the icy contact.
      She heard him move about then leave the room. The draft of air from the door made her tremble. Awful thoughts of how he would punish her flashed through her mind. Paralyzing fear took over.
      As her arms went numb, the thought of being left there forever made her tears flow faster, but it was perhaps only ten minutes before the door swung open, and she heard his low growl. Strange sounds made her shiver in fearful anticipation.
      Charity cried out in surprise and pain at the first hot sting against her back. Her body twisted against the

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