Demon's Triad
always so ready to come out and play.
    “Yes, oh goddess, yes!” The woman screamed and arched into Dorand’s body, the look of primal bliss on her face drawing a growl from Ferrin’s throat. His fingernails dug into the tree bark until they tore and began to bleed. At that moment he knew that he would gladly kill his brother, his lover, the man he was closest to in all the world, if it meant he could take Dorand’s place, feel Aleeza’s pussy pulsing around him, drawing him into her, triggering his own release.
    Aleeza…her name was Aleeza. It was almost as if someone had whispered the knowledge in his ear…someone with a forked tongue.

    Demon’s Triad
    “Please, by the gods.” Ferrin closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath, groaning as the scent of Aleeza’s pussy invaded once more. She was so sweet, so purely, amazingly what he’d been waiting for.
    What you’ve been waiting for? What the fuck are you thinking!
    Beads of sweat rolled down his face, despite the cold autumn night. This was it, as close as he had ever come to letting that “other” voice in. It was always there, offering up knowledge that Ferrin himself could have no way of knowing, promising power beyond his wildest dreams. But he’d always been able to ignore that quiet whisper, never been tempted to let down his shields and welcome the beast within. It was the woman who made him vulnerable, something about her, something that only the darkness could recognize.
    “Ahh!” Dorand’s cry broke through to his right mind, and Ferrin opened his eyes to see his brother coming with a magnificence that took his breath away. Dorand’s hips were arched so powerfully that Aleeza’s ass scooted across the dirt. His face was twisted with wonder and passion, edged by just the hint of that sweet, sensual pain that Ferrin had always thought him too closed-minded to appreciate.
    The white light glowing around Aleeza suddenly transformed into a white mist as she came again, a mist that Dorand inhaled into his body with his next deep breath. A small ember of that pure brilliance still burned in Aleeza’s aura, just as a small coal of blue burned in Dorand’s, but the magic sharing had ended. In a few more seconds, both shades of magic faded until only the moon lit the nude bodies of the man and woman who lay panting in the glen.
    “And know the truth of my senses to be the truth of the gods.” The last part of the spell came to him, and immediately Ferrin felt his mind clear.
    Whether it was the spell or the fact that he suddenly couldn’t catch the musky smell of Aleeza’s arousal anymore, he couldn’t say. But he was more than grateful to be in control of himself. Now if he could get control of Dorand, maybe they could find out exactly who this Aleeza was, and why she called to the blackness within him so strongly.
    * * * * *
    “Goddess,” Aleeza panted, running shaky hands down the strong, sweat-dampened skin of her lover’s back. It was getting colder by the second, but somehow they’d made each other sweat as they’d mated with a furious passion that had turned her bones to jelly.
    Sex. She’d finally had sex. With another person. And it had been…unbelievable.
    “Am I a man of my word?” He breathed the words against the skin of her neck, his warm breath sending a shiver through her body and renewing the tingling between her legs. “Are you satisfied?”

    Anna J. Evans & December Quinn
    “You were amazing, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be satisfied.” Aleeza stiffened as soon as the words were out of her mouth. They were true, but she hadn’t meant to speak so frankly. What was wrong with her? It was as if some wall had been broken down between them. She felt close to this man and strangely vulnerable as he pulled away to look down at her with smiling eyes.
    “It’s like any other new toy, addictive at first, but eventually the new wears off.”
    “You really looked like the new had worn off, big guy.”

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