Derelict: Halcyone Space, Book 1
organization and chaos. Odds and ends of old computers lay scattered in random arrangement along a beat-up table. A monitoring station set on a bench wedged against a thickly fogged curved barrier made reassuring beeping sounds.
    Jem walked close to the barrier. He placed a hand on its material and pushed gently. It had a little give, but was thicker and stronger than he expected. How had Ro set up an old terraforming bubble so quickly? And where in the cosmos had she even found it? He studied the length of the wall, looking for a way in. Metal uprights embedded in the glass formed the frame for a field-airlock. It wasn't pretty, but the design was effective in either keeping something in or something out, especially if that something was nasty and airborne.
    What could Ro possibly need to wall out?
    Jem slid the rudimentary lock open and stepped through. The inner door flashed red until he re-sealed the outer compartment. These things were rigged to do full air exchange or pressurization if need be. This one didn't seem set up for anything but a simple in and out. He slid the inner door open and stepped into instant dusk and the thick humidity of a rain forest.
    Blinking, he tried to see past the thick clouds of fog and moisture condensing on every surface.
    "Damn it, Ro, I thought we had an agreement."
    Jem stiffened at the angry male voice shouting from the back of the bubble.
    "Bad enough I have to share my space with you."
    The voice came closer. Jem's pulse sped up double time and he glanced back at the airlock, ready for a quick retreat, when a light flickered in the corner of his eye and he caught a flash of green. The light strengthened and the mist cleared. A tall figure emerged out of the fog along with row after row of plants, all with the long, thin five-part leaves of bittergreen.
    "What the hell?" Jem said, glaring up at Micah who stared back at him with narrowed eyes and his mouth a thin slash across his face. "What did you do to my brother?" he demanded. "I swear, if anything happens to him, I'll ruin you."
    "Great. Just great. Not that it fucking matters anymore." He turned his back on Jem and walked down a row between planters, stopping to examine his crop.
    Jem stood there, his mouth falling open, before digging out his brother's remaining dried bittergreen and stomping after Micah. "Don't you walk away from me!"
    Micah turned and scowled, looking down at Jem. "You're the doctors' kid. Why are you here?"
    "Really? You have no idea?" Jem squeezed the baggie in his fist and stared Micah down. It didn't matter that the senator's son had nearly a half meter and twenty-five kilos on him. "Or do you not give a shit that you're selling tainted bittergreen?"
    "What in the Hub are you talking about?"
    Jem gestured across the miniature drug farm. "So, you're going to tell me this isn't bittergreen? I may look like a little kid, but I'm not stupid." He nearly spit the words at Micah. "Barre is in the infirmary. He was using. I found his stash. And then look what I stumble into — your little secret garden."
    "Look, kid, I have no idea what your brother is using, but it's not my bittergreen. So far, I haven't been able to bring a crop anywhere near to market. Trust me, I really want to. Besides, it's just bittergreen."
    "Just bittergreen." The ghost of Barre's face and his limp arm swinging over the edge of the bed filled Jem's mind. "Something in this stuff took my brother down. If you really believe it's that harmless, then try some." Jem shoved the bag at him.
    Micah backed away and the drugs fell to the floor. "Look, I had nothing to do with your brother. I'm sorry if he's sick or whatever."
    "Pick it up," Jem said, his voice a hoarse, unfamiliar growl. "You pick it up and you figure out what did this to him."
    "I don't have time for this." Micah started to walk away again.
    "The hell you don't," Jem said. His face blazed and pressure beat against his temples. He pulled out his micro. "Do it, or I'll video your

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