of Aligned Worlds that was not just unacceptable, it was immoral.
In simpler terms, a Non-Aligned world sentient, in a relationship to the Aligned World sentient, had the legal status of a pet. Rev was a civilized man, trained to defend citizens and non-citizens alike against the abuses of men such as Jaal, Bris and Cax. He would not take advantage of a Non-Aligned Sentient.
If only his dick knew or cared about legal rights. It throbbed between his legs. It was an aching annoyance begging for something it could not have.
Rev put the woman Carol in the tank next to Tracy. He guessed that whatever drugs she had been given was double Tracy's dosage, because the other woman was still unconscious. The tank would flush the drugs out her and repair any physical damage.
Unfortunately, this was done only to get the women ready for genetic conversion. The thought made him sick to his stomach.
Reven had work to do, and he concentrated on those tasks to get his mind off Tracy. The database he found earlier was filled with information on cargo, destinations, and delivery dates. All he needed was some undisturbed time to commit the information to his memory; then he would be able to give testimony to the courts.
If he got that far. The bitter information he had learned of his brother's fate at the hands of these people stayed close to him.
It was unusual for the Aligned Worlds Enforcement Wing to admit brothers into their ranks. Although the work was dangerous, the prestige of working in the Enforcement Wing generated enough hopeful candidates to spare a family from losing multiple members in its service. Rev's eidetic memory was the deciding factor in admitting him to the Academy. A rare ability, it made him even more valuable in giving court testimony than the usual tracker. Rev was proud of his ninety-eight percent conviction rate. It was the high point of what had, until this point in his life, been an outstanding career.
Rev's decision to pursue his brother's disappearance against orders put that career at risk. Though trackers were allowed a certain amount of discretion in pursuing cases, this was one instance where his captain overrode him.
It was an angry confrontation and one that Rev regretted now. It was almost certain that his brother was dead, released into space by either Bris or Cax when they discovered him snooping around. His brother Tev, was smart and resourceful, pulling himself out of situations that would strike terror in anyone.
But being spaced? Rev couldn't imagine how a person would getting out of that situation. Rev's zero-g training had taught him that. One particularly harrowing training exercise was floating out of an airlock without a tether. His mission was to dock with another spacecraft using only the small jets built into a spacesuit.
Unfortunately, Rev's suit sprouted an air leak and depressurized rapidly. This left him without pressure to keep the fluids in his body functioning properly and he didn't have enough air to breathe. He was unconscious within ten seconds. Rev was only alive today through the quick thinking of one of his classmates.
Three minutes. That's how long a body can survive without any protection in the vacuum of space. His classmate revived him right before the three minute mark. Rev couldn't imagine that his brother survived being spaced without a suit, without back-up, and without help.
Rev rubbed his temples. It had been a stroke of luck that he had gotten one of the criminals responsible for his brother's death jailed on a backwater planet. Even better, he had been able to assume Cax's identity as well. The data he looked at and absorbed now was a gift from the gods. This information would shut down a major wiver's ring that went beyond Jaal and his crew.
The view screen winked off. Rev had memorized everything he needed from the database. If he was smart, he would activate his pick-up signal and wait for the enforcement wing to send a ship. According to
Gail Gaymer Martin
Matt Forbeck
Shana Mahaffey
M. M. Crow
Beth Goobie
Eileen Richards
Joe Ambrose
Kai Meyer
May Sage
Alison Hughes