Desire (Erotic Vampire Confessions #1)
in beside me. Don’t get hung up on semantics or facts. And please,
don’t get hung up on the fact that I’m a vampire talking to other
vampires. If you do, you’ll miss the point. We are people too and
we exist beyond our thirst for blood and sex.
    I don’t know one writer that I have met
online who tells the truth 100% of the time. We’re all ultimately
professional liars, darling, even us bloggers. Being good at it
just means how well you weave your web of excitement, or in my
case, how wonderfully adventurous my readers are. That’s my goal
for this journey. I want you to enjoy the experience. Period.
    Vampires Can’t Have Sex, Can They?
    I probably should mention that if you
prescribe to the myth that vampires can’t have sex, don’t read
this. Vampires can have sex. I have had many vampire lovers
who fucked my brains out, even some human, demon, and angel lovers.
So yes, the answer is we can. Another confession I should share
with you. I like to swear. Be ready for that. You may even learn a
few new cuss words. My apologies. And I ask my subjects to tell
their story how ever graphic or vague they want to. Vampires are
not the most trusting sorts, so getting them to divulge anything is
    I should also advise you about this too. If
you meet a vampire and he wants to have sex with you, do it, don’t
worry about him draining you dry. Most don’t do that, especially if
you let them know you aren’t “into” dying in their arms. Most
vampires like me, and many of my friends, enjoy a small taste. I
have found sex can satisfy my thirst for blood in a way that
alleviates the overwhelming hunger pains. And I’m not the only one.
But I digress.
    Just remember that vampire lovers are the
best lay you’ll ever have as a human. Trust me, you’ll come in the
embrace of a vampire, and you’ll never forget the experience.
However, if you meet any of the vampires who look like zombies with
fangs – we typically call them the death serpents – run and run
fast. According to one of my friends, Rose, they aren’t the nice
    Seriously? Vampire Sex?
    Take love, the thirst for blood, and kinky
sex and what do you get? Vampire sex, pure and simple. Or maybe
that’s just me. I still think I should have named this series,
Vampire sex instead of Erotic Vampire Confessions. Anyways…When I
decided to sit down and begin looking over my past relationships, I
realized maybe my sex life is as complicated as my life as a
vampire is, and it’s all because of my need for blood. With that
being said, I also realized that I have to talk about it, and I
have to examine it. I can’t just not examine it because I
think a lot of the reasons why I hesitate to settle down into one
relationship with one person, or in my case a werewolf, is because
of my overzealous sexual appetite. Ultimately, someday I’ll have to
decide who I do want to live happily ever after with. Together,
forever? When you’re a vampire and you have an eternity to figure
it out, it becomes a big topic of concern.
    I think that’s why I started this project, to
seek out other vampires and ask them these questions. Blood and
sex. Those are the two topics that continue to come up next to
their relationships with humans. That’s always lingering in the
    And yes, vampire sex is similar to human sex,
but it’s more intense, more seductive, more savage, more
everything. Or maybe I should say that it can be all of those
things. Think of all the things you may want to do sexually with
your partner, but you are afraid to tell him or talk about it. When
you become a vampire, you forget your inhibitions. They fall away
and you’re willing to try anything at least once. That’s how it was
for me, and many others I’ve talked with.
    So yes, seriously, vampire sex. When I
realized this simple fact, that humans should understand what
vampire sex really is, I decided humans needed to hear about
    Pussycat, are you ready? [I like

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