Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning.

Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. by Joel Heath

Book: Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. by Joel Heath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joel Heath
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the south flank would be cut
off within minutes. They were forced to turn off
I-20 onto Highway 84, toward Lubbock Texas.
Spencer zipped down Highway 84 at
more than a hundred and thirty miles per hour,
pushing the modified vehicle to its limits, looking
for a place that would offer a decent defensible
position. Spencer bypassed several small towns
knowing that staying would leave them totally
Highway 84 soon intersected I-27 as it cut
through the heart of Lubbock. Spencer turned
slightly and merged on to the interstate and then
he spotted an electric sign indicating a military
presence at Covenant Medical Center on the
north side of town.
“Do you think we should?” Gretchen
asked. Spencer responded by taking the 19 th
Street exit where a sign indicated their new
destination. Spencer turned and headed west.
After three miles hope soared in their
hearts at the sight of a dozen military Hummers
parked in a defensive formation around the
emergency entrance to the Covenant Medical
Center surrounded by demon corpses and
dismembered human bodies; most had died
recently judging by their coloring.
A pair of soldiers emerged from within
one of the hummers and directed Spencer to stop.
One soldier stood guard while the other leaned
over to talk with Spencer through his shattered
The soldier wore a combat helmet and
full combat fatigues. His dark-skinned face
conveyed concern for these civilians that just fell
into his lap. “Do either of you need any medical
attention?” the soldier inquired. His rank seemed
to suggest he held the rank of Major; his name
read Walters.
“No, but we may have been followed.”
Spencer announced. Major Walters’ look of
concern changed to terrified panic.
“Are you sure?” Major Walters asked.
Spencer said nothing. Major Walters drew his
own conclusions, and they weren’t good.
“That’s a problem; we’re not going to
survive another attack without a resupply.” Major
Walters said.
“We have some supplies and arms from
an overrun convoy outside Shreveport.” Spencer
commented. “We found more before we passed
through Sweetwater about two hours ago.”
Gretchen replied drawing the Major’s attention.
Major Walters quickly pointed toward the
hospital. “There are two parking garages on the
other side of the hospital, pull into the west
parking garage; hide your vehicle so the demons
don’t see it. There will be a squad of marines
there to unload the supplies and then I want you
all to meet me in the main lobby.”
Spencer nodded. Major Walters stepped
away before reaching for a radio on his shoulder.
“All units, we have incoming friendlies in front
of a new wave of bad guys.” Then he escorted
the other soldier into the hospital. “Perimeter unit
Charlie, there’s a resupply heading your way.”
Spencer pulled forward to the next street
and turned; passing the hospital they came to a
street that ran parallel to 19 th Street. There were
two walkways over 21 st Street, each one
connected the hospital to a different parking
garage. One looked a few years old and the other
parking garage looked much newer.
“This must be the west parking garage,”
Spencer guessed before pulling in, popping up on
the curb as he did.
Spencer turned and drove through the
parking garage. He turned onto the second level
where they were surrounded by a half dozen
marines. Spencer parked and shut off his engine.
One marine leaned his head into the
permanently open window. His combat fatigues
bore a captain’s insignia.
“Did you speak with Major Walters?” the
captain asked.
“We did, Major Walters asked us to meet
him in the main lobby,” Spencer said, “With your
resupply”. Spencer popped the trunk allowing the
four marines access to the lethal cargo before he
and Gretchen climbed out of the car.
“Where did you find this?” one of the
marines asked.
“A convoy unit went down fighting. I
took all I could, I hate to tell you there were no
survivors,” Spencer replied before he

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