Victoria Roberts - [Bad Boys of the Highlands 03]

Victoria Roberts - [Bad Boys of the Highlands 03] by To Wed a Wicked Highlander

Book: Victoria Roberts - [Bad Boys of the Highlands 03] by To Wed a Wicked Highlander Read Free Book Online
Authors: To Wed a Wicked Highlander
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She didn’t think it wise to have heated words with both men on the day of her wedding. When she looked up at Alexander, he gave her a broad wink as if he knew how she felt.
    “Is everything all right, Wife ?”
    “Of course… Alexander. ” She paused as soon as the word “husband” attempted to escape her lips.
    “’Tis so wonderful to have ye here.” When Sybella turned, Aunt Iseabail brought her hands to Sybella’s cheeks. “I hope ye and my nephew will be verra happy for many years to come.”
    “Thank ye, Aunt Iseabail.”
    The kind woman lowered Sybella’s head and kissed her on the forehead. “ ’ Tis a pity the wedding is over. My husband and I wish we could have spent some time with ye, but we must return home on the morrow.”
    Sybella’s heart sank and she wasn’t sure what to say. She rubbed her hand over the aging woman’s frail shoulder, giving her a compassionate smile. Sybella was relieved that Alexander was by her side, but she watched as his features grew more concerned the more Aunt Iseabail spoke.
    “Dòmhnall, ye have yourself a bonny new bride, and I am looking forward to plenty of bairns under this roof. More than one, I tell ye—and they donna need to be all lads. I donna think my poor heart can handle it.” She raised her hand over her chest and laughed.
    His gaze was filled with sympathy. “I am Alexander.”
    Aunt Iseabail waved him off. “Of course ye are. Ye remind me so much of your father.”
    “Will ye be sitting with William for the meal?” Alexander asked, his tone holding a degree of warmth and concern.
    Sybella saw William and gestured him forward. “William, Aunt Iseabail will sit with ye for the meal.”
    “It would be my pleasure to enjoy such company again.” William held out his arm to Aunt Iseabail, his smile courteous. “What other tales do ye have for me, Lady Iseabail?” Alexander’s delightful aunt rewarded William with a large smile of her own.
    Alexander escorted Sybella to the great hall, accepting felicitations along the way. Once again, she took her place beside him on the dais and watched men and women flow into the hall for the celebration. She couldn’t help but glance at him and notice the worried expression on his face. She sensed his disquiet, and frankly, the feeling of hopelessness was all too familiar. Watching the health of loved ones fade was by no means an easy feat.
    “Does Aunt Iseabail lose her thoughts often?” asked Sybella in a soft tone.
    Alexander had opened his mouth to reply when her father raised his tankard and spoke in an impressive voice. “May you travel in the truth on straight paths—be moderate and civil and never abandon reason; may your race be numerous throughout the land. And may you see your great-grandchildren following in your footsteps.”
    Cheers were shouted out in response to the marital blessing.
    Alexander took a drink from his tankard and then looked directly at Sybella. When he realized she was still waiting for an answer to her question, he sighed. “More often than I would like. Ever since my father passed, her mind has worsened.”
    Sybella looked around at the celebratory crowd and began to speak as memories flooded her. “I cared for my ailing mother and barely left her side. This was the same woman who raised me and loved me from the time I was a bairn. When her days were good, they were verra good. When they were bad…”
    When he raised his brow, she added, “I think ’ tis harder on us to watch their health fail. Aunt Iseabail may call ye by your father’s name and forget the reason for the celebration, but ye still have her. Other than her mind, she seems hale. I know it pains us greatly to see our loved ones nae as they once were, but in truth, ’ tis truly a blessing they are still with us. Donna mourn for the past, Alexander. We should be grateful for the time we have left with them—now, in the present.”
    Angus and Mary approached the table and Sybella was irked by the

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