Desperately Seeking Heaven

Desperately Seeking Heaven by Jill Steeples Page B

Book: Desperately Seeking Heaven by Jill Steeples Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Steeples
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Paranormal
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squeezed my shoulder. I nodded in thanks and turned and walked out of his office. I was sure I could hear his huge sigh of relief.
    Back at my desk, I settled myself in my chair and checked my inbox.
From: Damon.Mitchell
To: Alice Fletcher
Subject: My Leaving Do.
“Hey, Alice, we’re having a few drinks next Tuesday evening at The Grapes. About 6.00 pm till chucking out time. I hope you’ll join us. Please? I don’t want any of your lame excuses either.’
    I fired off a quick reply.
To: Damon Mitchell
From: Alice Fletcher
Subject: Re: My Leaving Do
“Damon, I don’t know what you mean about my lame excuses! I wouldn’t miss your leaving do for the world. Looking forward to it. A.”
    My gaze travelled down the list of unread emails.
From: Susannah Orbin, Head of Corporate Entertaining
To: Alice Fletcher, PA to Simon Ibbotson
Subject: Charity Summer Ball
“Just to let you know, following Jimmy Mack’s untimely death, that we have been able to secure the services of Barney Roberts to act as a replacement auctioneer at the forthcoming Company Ball. With the short timescale involved, I hope you’ll agree that we have been extremely fortuitous in being able to book an equally high-profile celebrity to take Jimmy’s place. I’m sure the success of the ball won’t be compromised in any way. Please let me know if there are any problems with this minor change in the arrangements. Kind Regards. Susannah.”
    Unbidden, tears filled my eyes. The words blurred before me as I read them again trying to make sense of their meaning. Jimmy had been booked for the Summer Ball? It came like a thunderbolt from the sky. To think that for the matter of a few weeks our paths would have crossed in real life. It tore at my heart to think that I could have met Jimmy in different circumstances entirely.
    Through my tears I read the email a further time, the tone making my skin prickle with distaste. How could she dismiss him like that in a couple of sentences? A minor change to the arrangements! It was so much more than that. To all the people who’d loved Jimmy, his fanbase, his friends and family, his passing would leave a huge hole in their lives that could never be filled. The fact that some stupid bloody woman could think he was so easily replaceable enraged me. Why didn’t she care? I cared. Sitting there at my desk I realised I cared so much more than I would ever have thought possible.
    ‘Alice, are you sure you’re OK? Why don’t you go home early?’ I hadn’t heard Simon come up behind me. Hastily wiping my face with the tissue I recovered from up my sleeve, I nodded.
    ‘I’m fine, Simon, really. Just an allergy, I think,’ I said unconvincingly, as I attempted to mop up my sodden face. Simon nodded in sympathy, looking as though he’d rather be anywhere else rather than standing over his frankly hopeless PA today. I made a muffled attempt at communication.
    ‘I was just coming back to see you actually. SNIFF . I’ve got some appointments I’d like to confirm for the diary. SNIFF . And just so as you know Corporate Entertaining have been in touch to say they’ve arranged for Barney Roberts to appear as Auctioneer at the Ball. SNIFF SNIFF .’
    ‘Ah yes, of course. We had Jimmy Mack down for that, didn’t we? Terrible thing to have happened.’ He shook his head. ‘At his age too.’
    At the mention of his name I couldn’t hold it together a moment longer. I broke down into gulping sobs, my whole body shuddering as I looked up at Simon’s stricken face, the full implication of what had happened to Jimmy finally hitting me hard in the chest.
    ‘Really, Alice, I insist. You need to go home. Take a couple of days, as long as you need. There’s nothing here so urgent that it can’t wait until you get back.’
    When I walked out that door still sniffing, I don’t know who was more relieved, me or my clearly shaken boss, Simon.

Chapter Seven
    Mettlesham was the quintessential English village; pretty cottages with

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