I don’t know what they’re planning. They’d need an army of Immortals to fight a war.”
Lacey walked into their circle. “What the hell are immortals?” she shouted.
Colin hardly glanced at her before turning his attention back to Luca. “We are. Luca, get to Caracas and find this Andrew guy, and let him know I can’t speak Polish, he’s just going to have to go by Andrew while he’s here.”
“That’s kind of assholey,” Luca joked. At least Colin thought he was joking. But he really couldn’t pronounce most Polish names.
“It’s not my fault they hate vowels.”
“Forget the dude’s name,” Dylan interrupted, “why didn’t your angel answer Anna’s question about Jeremy? That was kind of assholey.”
“He did,” Luca said. “Anna asked about Jeremy and he said they broke the rules to transform him. She didn’t ask if we could save him.”
“Ugh,” Anna groaned, “why do angels have to be so damn literal ?”
“When you say you’re immortal …” Lacey began, but the poor woman was ignored again.
Anna tapped her fingers against the edge of the water bottle Colin had handed her. “He also didn’t say we couldn’t save him.”
“Anna,” Dylan sighed, “don’t start this again.”
But Anna shook her head at him. “No, Dylan, you don’t understand how angels talk. How they operate. They don’t lie or play games or manipulate people, but it’s like there are some things they can’t just come out and say. Like they have rules, too, and they actually do follow their rules because they’re angels. Think about what he told us. Hell broke the rules to transform Jeremy. If we can’t stop them, it will lead to war. That’s it. He never told us we must destroy Jeremy to set his soul free or anything. And believe me, angels care about our souls.”
Dylan exhaled slowly and eyed her seriously for a few moments, considering what she’d proposed. “But Anna, we have no way of knowing how to help him. And if we kill him, wouldn’t that at least free his soul? Isn’t it trapped in this demon’s body now?”
Anna was still tapping the side of her water bottle, deep in thought. “Compromise,” she offered. “Give Colin and me a couple of months to try to turn up something on human possession, and if we’re still just as lost, you will never hear us argue about it again. I will destroy it myself with this utterly ridiculous energy crap that may or may not ever serve any other purpose.”
Dylan glanced back at Max and by the look on Max’s face, he wanted Dylan to take the deal. “Fine, Anna. Two months. And that’s only assuming none of us get into a life or death situation with this demon.”
Lacey marched into the center of the hunters and scowled at each of them. “What the hell are immortals?” she yelled again.
Luca raised an eyebrow at her. “People who fight for Heaven and can only be killed by demons.”
“ You ?” she asked incredulously.
“Um,” Colin stammered, “why don’t we head back to the cars?”
Luca was unconcerned though. “Sure.”
“So how old are you?” Lacey asked, her features mixing with apprehension and maybe even disgust as she recalled what she’d done the night before.
“Twenty-eight,” Luca told her, “just like I told you.”
Lacey put her hands on her hips and scowled at him, and Anna and Colin felt like they should walk back to the cars, but their feet wouldn’t cooperate. They watched the drama unfolding in front of them instead. “And how long have you been twenty-eight?”
Luca bit his lip. “Eh, I don’t actually know. Over six hundred years, but I don’t know what year I was born. Sometime in the 14 th century.”
“Oh my God,” Lacey mumbled, backing out of the circle and away from Luca. And then Anna didn’t like feeling like she was ancient either, so she heard herself saying, “It’s not like our bodies age, you know. They stay exactly the same. He really is just like any other 28 year
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