Discovering Pride (Pride Series)

Discovering Pride (Pride Series) by Jill Sanders

Book: Discovering Pride (Pride Series) by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
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from running the shipping company.  He was working from his home office all the time now. She was sure it was due to   his fear for Megan and the baby’s health. But   both mom and baby were very healthy and progressing just nicely.  Lacey could tell Megan was not only feeling well, it appeared that pregnancy suited her.
    That night  Lacey and Bernard took a walk on the beach. Her mind was preoccupied with Aaron, and she hoped the crisp evening air would help her   settle and organize those thoughts. She enjoyed the seclusion that the strip of beach below her house provided.
    Bernard had a large piece of driftwood in his mouth. It was longer than he was, but he dragged it along. The wood left a line in the sand as he trotted beside her, and his tail never stopped wagging. No doubt he was hoping to play chase with the giant stick. Leaning over, she picked up a smaller chunk of wood and tossed it into the surf. Dropping the larger piece, he chased after it as it was being tossed around in the waves.
    Soon, she could tell, storms would bring the cold dark waters up closer to the shore to pound against the large dark rocks that lined her beach.
    If she closed her eyes she could remember her mother, here on a warm sunny day building a sand   castle.  Her mother was heavily pregnant with Iian   during her memory. She had been so young, younger actually than herself. 
    Walking in the wet soft sand she shook her bangs out of her eyes, and thought about getting another hair cut.
    Bending over to pick up the chunk of wood and giving it another toss for Bernard, she started thinking about the doctor. She was seeing a lot of him now and not just around town. 
    She bent down to throw Bernard stick again, flinging it out to the left along the shore as she thought about her past dating experiences. 
    It’s not as if she hadn’t dated at all; she just hadn’t been looking for men to date recently.  Every man in town knew her and her family.  Most men her age were already settled into families themselves. And the one’s that weren’t, well, she just wasn’t interested.  Growing up with protective brothers had kept most of the town boys away, but she had managed to go on some dates.  
    As she threw Bernard’s stick again she thought about her life choices.  Choosing to travel a bit after school had been an enjoyment for her.  Traveling and never staying in one place long enough to get close to anyone had been what she’d wanted at that time. She had returned home to deal with the family crisis which consumed her life for several years. Dating was one of the last things on her mind at the time.
    When Aaron’s face came   into mind, she sat down on a large log and took a deep breath.   Did she want something more with him? Yes, she couldn’t fool herself into thinking differently. Was she actually falling for him? She didn’t know.—at least not yet.
    She sat there contemplating their relationship and what it meant to her while Bernard sat at her side and waited patiently for one more chase of the stick.

    He ’d been working   for days on the   kitchen,   and it was coming along quite nicely. Most of the cabinets were up and even some of the walls were painted. As he finished painting another wall, he stood back rolled his shoulders and took stock of his work.
    He had sweat rolling down his back; his energy was quickly draining. Taking a large swallow of cool water, he decided it was time for a break. Instead of a walk to the pond he felt the beach was beckoning him. He could use the cold wind in his face to clear his   mind of work and Lacey, which lately, seemed to dominate his waking thoughts.
    He realized he was getting used to his walks in the forest. And this time, he enjoyed taking the long narrow path that lead to the rocky shore. He was wondering how he ever relaxed in the city without getting out in nature.
    He was enjoying

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