Diva Las Vegas
these days?”
    I wondered whether maybe Barry had been a patient of this Dr. Reynolds, too. But I didn’t see any reason to mention his name at this point.
    “Well, yes, of course! But men are so much more discreet about it. Or embarrassed. You know . . . the standards. Calves, chins, love handles, lipo. They can even create a six-pack by doing a procedure called etching on their stomachs. It’s endless. Why are you interested in men’s surgeries if you’re asking about Shana?” She looked at me with one raised eyebrow.
    “I’m just grasping at straws. It’s frustrating knowing that she had something to tell me and was killed before she could. I can’t help thinking she was reaching out to me for help.” I passed one of the bottles back to her. “What about the doctor’s name? Does it ring a bell?”
    “Eugene Reynolds,” she said, shaking her head. “No. I’ve used a half dozen doctors in the LA area. That name isn’t familiar.” She handed the bottle back. “I have all my work done here in LA. He could be from Orange County or wherever.”
    I put the bottle back in my purse, then took another sip of iced tea.
    “Do you think these medications are connected to her murder?” Riley asked.
    “I don’t know,” I said, “but I wanted to check with you to see if you knew the doctor, or if you could confirm what I was thinking about the pills.”
    “Well, I’ve used all of them after some of my surgeries,” Riley said.
    I checked my watch. It was close to noon, and God forbid I was late for my scenes.
    “I won’t bother you any more with this, Riley,” I said, standing up. “Thanks.”
    “You’re not bothering me! It’s fun to talk to you about my ‘hobby.’ Are you sure you have to go?” she asked, also standing. “I mean, I have the afternoon free. . . .”
    “I have to get back to work, or I’d stay,” I said. “But I can come back sometime and we’ll catch up.”
    “Please,” she said, “do that. And bring Sarah!”
    I had the feeling she was lonely and wanted some company. I guessed that she didn’t have a man in her life at the moment—which wasn’t surprising, because men didn’t last very long in her life.
    Maria appeared at that moment, and Riley said, “Maria, will you show Alex out, please?”
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    “I’ll talk to you soon, Alex,” Riley said.
    “Thanks again, Riley.”
    As I followed Maria back into the house, I could see Riley take off her robe and recline on the chaise. She looked perfect.

Chapter 15
    I jumped in the car and checked my cell. There were two voice mails.
    “Hey, baby, I got your message. I was in a meeting. Call me back.” Jakes had returned my call.
    The second one was from Herbie. “Alex, get your butt back here! We’re moving very fast and could get to you by twelve thirty!” Click. Oh, shit! I looked at the clock. Twelve fifteen. My worst nightmare: keeping everyone on set waiting for me.
    I threw the cell in my purse and hauled ass down Sunset Boulevard back to Highland, rushing to get to the studio as fast as I could. I pulled into the studio parking lot at exactly twelve thirty. As I ran into my dressing room, someone was knocking on the back door.
    “Alex! Are you in there? We’ve been looking for you!” It was Herbie. He didn’t sound at all happy.
    I yelled back. “Yeah, Herb, I’m here. Just having some, umm . . . woman problems.” I hated going there, but a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do. I threw on my wardrobe, slapped on some lip gloss, took a deep breath and opened the back door.
    “Sorry, Herbie. What can I say?”
    He just looked at me and said, “Go!”
    So I went.
    I had managed to get there just in time, thank you very much, and the rest of the taping went along smoothly.
    Later, back in my dressing room, I returned Jakes’s call.
    “Where you been? I’ve been waiting to hear from you!”
    I answered after a sigh, “Busy day. And I have lots to tell you. Why don’t you come

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