Divine Grace

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Book: Divine Grace by Heather Rainier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Rainier
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Adult, Western
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been in bed with her at once. Her heart pounded at the thought. She lay there quietly, listening to her heart return to a normal beat, trying to remember as many of the details as she could before they faded. She hardly ever remembered her dreams, but she wanted this one etched in her memory forever. It was the stuff her most secret fantasies were made of. Just then her alarm clock went off, and she was grateful she had finished the dream before it could be interrupted.
    She was surprised by how fast the workday flew by. Jack came by to check on her while on his way to an appointment. He kissed her cheek and made her blush all over. When she thought of what he’d done with those lips in her dream, she blushed even harder. He told her he looked forward to that evening and left for his appointment. Her employers, Martha and Rose, let her leave at 2:30 p.m. so she had time to run to the grocery store before going home. She was meeting Adam, Ethan, and Jack at her house at 3:30
    After the house cleaning was finished, she planned to prepare them a fresh, home-cooked meal to thank them for their trouble, although she had a feeling they’d consider being allowed to give Owen the boot reward enough in itself.


Chapter Four
    Owen sat on the front porch in her mother’s wooden swing, eating straight from a half-gallon container of ice cream, when she pulled into the driveway. It was only 3:15 p.m. All she had to do was get through fifteen more minutes with this SOB. He was eating. Maybe that meant he had sobered up a little. She parked, grabbed the grocery bags from the front seat, and lugged them up the steps. Of course, he didn’t offer to help with them.
    One time when she’d asked for help, he’d told her no, she needed the exercise, so she never asked for help from him again. He just sat there, digging his spoon down into the container and sticking it into his mouth.
    What an ass.
    He followed her inside.
    “I thought that son of a bitch was going to fix the AC. It’s hot as hell in here.”
    “He had to order a part.”
    “When’s it gonna be fixed?” he asked, shoving the open ice cream carton, spoon and all, back in the freezer. What a disgusting pig.
    “He should be here with it in a little while,” she replied as neutrally as she could while she put away the groceries. He was spoiling for a fight.
    He’d left more dirty dishes lying around on the counter and table. She finished putting the food away and filled the sink with hot, soapy water to let the dishes soak before she washed them. This was the last mess of his she was going to clean up. The thought made her smile, and she turned away from him so he wouldn’t see it.
    “I saw that, bitch. Why are you smiling? You know something I don’t?
    Huh, Fatty? You’re planning on fucking him again later, aren’t you? That’s how you’re paying for the AC repair, isn’t it? Hell, if I was him and that was an option, I’d want cold hard cash. At least I might get a little satisfaction 46

    because it’s for sure not to be found in fucking your ugly ass. Faithless, fucking bitch!”
    “Owen, stop it!” she said firmly, checking her watch. 3:20 p.m. Any minute now.
    “Why are you so dressed up today, huh, Fatty? Are you excited about seeing that repairman? I see you checking your watch. Think you might be able to turn him on in that tight-ass top? How do you like this? Fucking cunt!”
    Then the right side of her face felt like it exploded. He’d come up behind her and slapped her open-handed over her cheekbone and ear. Her ear rang, so now she couldn’t hear him, at least not very well. She turned to him, stunned. It was rare for him to actually strike her. He usually limited his abuse to the verbal and emotional variety. As if it were happening in slow motion, she watched as his right hand whipped around as he prepared to strike her again. Right before the back of his hand made contact with her left cheek, she caught a glimpse of Adam,

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