Divine Grace
places a high value on being a loyal girlfriend. I don’t see her as a doormat, but who hasn’t found themselves in a situation where they lived with the status quo for a while? I think she probably was attracted to Owen in the beginning because he sounds dominant. Unfortunately, he’s dominant in a bad way. It will take time to draw it out of her because she’s been hurt, but I have an inkling that she sees the same quality in us but in a positive way. That’s why she’s responding so strongly to us.”
    Turning to Adam, Angel said, “Being submissive doesn’t mean she’s going to allow you to walk all over her or push her around, although you

    might be surprised where her limits truly are when she’s in the hands of someone she can trust. Considering the arrangement you guys are hoping for, gaining her trust should be your only goal right now. Show her that any loyalty and trust she puts in you won’t be betrayed.”
    “Is your mom submissive? Is that why your mom and dads have stayed together happily for so many years?” Ethan asked.
    Angel had shared with them over the years about his rather unorthodox upbringing. His mother was wife to three husbands. Angel and his brothers thought of the three as their fathers, and all three husbands claimed them equally. In the nearby town, they were careful that she was seen as the wife of only the eldest of the three brothers, and only close friends and relations knew the truth about their family.
    “No, but my dads wish she was! She’s mellowed over the years, but she doesn’t have a submissive bone in her body. She still makes them pay if she doesn’t get her way, but she loves them all just as hard. They spoil her like crazy, but they taught her early on to not try to play them against each other.”
    “What do you mean ‘taught her’?” Adam asked, though he had a feeling he knew the answer.
    “She wanted something really bad. I don’t recall what it was, if they ever told me to begin with, and when one of them refused her, she tried to play the others against him to get it. He found out about her game, and he spanked her for it. She tried that several more times but eventually learned to not do that again. She’s very stubborn.”
    “Your dads spanked your mother?” Adam asked, cringing at the thought of it.
    “A few times in the beginning until she learned she couldn’t manipulate them into getting her own way.”
    “How did that go over?” Jack asked.
    “Well, I wasn’t there, as you can imagine, but the rare times they have ever talked about it in front of me, she always blushes and shushes them, but…not like she’s embarrassed. I have a feeling whichever dad spanked her did it in such a way that she learned her lesson the hard way but enjoyed the process. Know what I mean?”
    There was a collective groan around the table.


    “So, submissive is a good thing?” Adam asked, a little relieved. How Angel described his mother didn’t sound like Grace at all.
    “Yes, as opposed to being manipulative or controlling. It’s taken her a while to get around to dumping her boyfriend, but that goes back to her being loyal. She’s hung on until there is no hope left. And now you lucky assholes get to swoop in and be her saviors.”
    “So, Ethan, how is it that you know so much about Dominance and submission and we never knew that about you?” Jack asked, grinning at Ethan.
    Adam snickered when Ethan turned to Jack and pointed a finger at him.
    “If you’re imagining me in a black patent bodysuit and whip, you need to stop, asshole. I have an acquaintance that comes in the club every so often that knows a little about it. He made a remark about a conversation he overheard between me and an employee at the club and pointed out that I had Dom tendencies but a ‘caring and considerate’ personality, ideal qualities for a good Dom. I was curious about the subject, and he answered my questions. I’m not interested in living the lifestyle,

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