leader with fewer of the conventional attributes. Maybe someone like physicist Stephen Hawking is so focused in the life of the mind that the body is less important to him. I cannot imagine anyone choosing to be born with his degree of physical limitation, but he may have agreed to this lifetime’s severe physical restraints knowing that he’d be able to accomplish his work, his mission, and also get to burn through some serious karma like rocket fuel—and then again he might not be able to imagine being born with what he might consider my limitations and restraints! Perhaps if we are here to learn humility, we may be born with certain flaws that would cause us to be humble. On the other hand, maybe you get extra points for looking like Audrey Hepburn and still being humble—I don’t really know how these things go, I haven’t seen the scoring system. Bottom line, I think, is that we might not get what we want, but we will get what we need.
What is it like on the Other Side? Is the Other Side actually a place?
Well, it isn’t physical so to call it a “place” probably isn’t accurate. It’s more a “state” or a condition—it’s paradise . It’s like here except that it has a completely different quality to it. It’s difficult to explain, but try to think of the worst thing anyone ever did to you your whole life. How bitter you are about that, how you might still, deep down, hate the person who hurt you so badly. On that side, that intense feeling of bitterness is completely gone. I have heard this over and over again from spirits. It’s really unbelievable; it just doesn’t exist. All is forgiveness, all is love.
The Other Side, of course, is not physical. But it does have many attributes that can seem physical. From what I have heard, anything we have here is also there, only more beautiful, pure, vibrant—somehow more real than what we know as reality even though our assumption would be that, when comparing physical versus spiritual, physical would be “more real.” I’ve heard that there are plants and gardens just like here only the colors are more intense. Our pets run around free and we never have to worry about them being hit by a car. I’ve never seen one, but I’ve heard about grand cathedrals of crystal and light. I know that there are many levels and since we do retain our personalities we will naturally gravitate to one area or another and likely our experiences will be different.
The first time my father came to me after he crossed over, I asked him what he did on the Other Side. He told me that he and my brother Harold went for long rides in the mountains. This implies to me that he sees the mountains and he feels the mountains. There is no question in my mind that They have the ability to do that. I don’t know how, because I am limited, but I do know that God is so grand and so great that it would not surprise me that God would give the souls that cross home the rewards they deserve.
Is there any color on the Other Side?
Yes, there is color and it is brilliant. They say we have true beauty on this side of creation, but this is nothing compared to what’s on the Other Side. To understand why that might be, just remember, we have a hand in things on this side. God creates it and we destroy it. We pollute it. We litter it. We bulldoze forests or we ruin rich farmland and then we have climate changes and dust bowls and floods; we have the loss of entire species of creatures and all sorts of other consequences that destroy the original perfection. We do have heaven on earth here if we can just let it be that, but we don’t. Just imagine if we could see the world “as is” from God, without people messing it up, and you might have some sense of the brilliance of the Other Side. I think this may have answered more than the question, but I feel better getting that off my chest.
Is it crowded on the Other Side? Do we have to wait in lines?
No, there is never a space
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