Doomsday Brethren, Book 04: Entice Me at Twilight

Doomsday Brethren, Book 04: Entice Me at Twilight by Shayla Black Page A

Book: Doomsday Brethren, Book 04: Entice Me at Twilight by Shayla Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shayla Black
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, Contemporary
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leave. Felicia stepped forward to say as much, but Mason cut in first.
    “By all means, you and your shady friends go. If Felicia needs protecting, that is my job and my right. After the wedding—”
    “She may be dead before you finish the ceremony! These aren’t your average thugs. You can’t protect her.”
    Felicia hung back as a new possibility washed over her. Were these terrorists non-human like Hurstgrove? That possibility showered her in a horrific wave. Dear God, if so, who else but Hurstgrove could keep her safe?
    “You have the audacity to suggest we postpone the wedding?” Mason thundered.
    “I’m not suggesting; I’m insisting.”
    If she was truly in danger, Hurstgrove’s plan sounded not only logical, but imperative. Yet … if she didn’t marry Mason tonight, would she ever? Or would that door close? Without a husband, how would she achieve her dreams of her own home and family? Then again, none of that would matter if she was dead.
    “You bastard.” Mason hurled. “You’ve inherited a title, an estate, a vast fortune, and have the world at your feet. You shag a different woman every night. I want
for the rest of my life, to protect and cherish. You merely seek to add another notch to your bedpost.”
    “That’s not true.”
    Murder crossed Mason’s face. “So, you don’t want Felicia?”
    Hurstgrove frowned, hesitated. “No.”
    A moment later, an overwhelming stench hit her, so debilitating, she clutched her stomach. Her eyes watered. Hurstgrove
want her—very badly. Felicia swallowed. Hisresponse was like a flash fire, blistering her veins. She tried to push her reaction aside. Foolish. Inappropriate. Destructive.
    How much more complicated could her life become? Loved by one brother, desired by the other, who wasn’t even human …
    Suddenly, Hurstgrove’s friends crowded into the corridor like a walking wall of testosterone. Individually, they each spelled trouble. Together, they looked downright menacing.
    The trio sauntered toward Mason.
    “Where is she?” His Grace demanded of Ice.
    He smiled tightly. “Here in the room, eavesdropping on you.”
    Felicia gnawed her lip. She’d done nothing to give herself away, but he might not be human either. Did Ice know where she’d hidden? Fear detonated in her belly.
    Then the blond one spoke. “Time is up. Duke, now.”
    “Then go,” Mason spat and turned back to Hurstgrove. “I will not postpone my wedding based on hearsay. I’m marrying the woman I love tonight. And you won’t stop me.”
    “I regret that saving Felicia will further deteriorate our relationship, but not enough to risk her. You shouldn’t either, if you truly love her.”
you suggest …” Fury etched his face, then his voice turned deadly calm. “Leave. You’re no longer invited.”
    “Throwing me out of my own house will not keep her safe. This … criminal is more depraved than you can possibly imagine.”
    Another truth.
    Felicia had more than enough information to be certain of her next move. Time to speak up—and make her choice.
    “Why me?” she asked, stepping out of the armoire, into the light.
    Hurstgrove whirled toward her, visibly relieved to see herin one piece. “I’ll explain later.” Then he reached for her. “If you want to live, take my hand and come with me now.”
    His gaze was electric. Everything jumbled inside her. The security Mason gave her clashed with the foreign excitement his half brother wrought. She didn’t like the way Hurstgrove made her feel, vulnerable and so aware of her femininity, fragile and desirable at once. She’d elected to marry Mason in part because he never engendered such feelings in her. He would make a stable partner, a wonderful father. Hurstgrove was rich, titled, good-looking, and notoriously good in bed—built for a night, not forever.
    “Felicia,” Mason said sharply. “You don’t believe this rubbish, do you?”
    She’d never told him about her bullshit

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