Down With Cupid Shorts Bundle
teeth sank into the side of her mouth, pursing full lips. She straightened. “I do. Never doubt that.” She made a sound full of contemplation. “Your confidence will be your Achilles’ heel. You think because you know something, you know everything.”
    “I’m not new at this.”
    “No, you’re not. At least not from the way you conducted yourself. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn more tricks of the trade.”
    He hoped, like hell, they had stopped talking about the client. Then common sense prevailed and shot down the idea. He and Nicole had to work closely together. What happened once could never happen again. The only reason he had the urge to play this game was to prove himself to Anna and her publicity manager. Nothing else. Nothing more.
    “I could say the same.”
    A smile, slow and seductive, curved her lips. “What’s the prize?”
    “A coveted contact.” He had more than a few she’d salivate over, and after seeing her schmooze Jeremiah, he knew she had a few he’d want.
    “Then you’re on, Sebastian. May the best publicist win.”

Chapter Three
    A week later, Nicole could look back and see the problem actually started the moment she accepted the challenge. She hadn’t been thinking when he’d thrown it out as bait. Nicole had only been thinking how much she’d love to wipe the smug expression off Sebastian’s face. He’d lulled her into complacency while he’d stood silently as she wooed Jeremiah into a fitting and a follow-up meeting. She’d forgotten just how dangerous Sebastian could be when he put forethought behind his actions.
    It didn’t help when his voice lowered an octave and reminded her of their weekend together. She’d done her best to forget their sexcapade had happened. Except, she couldn’t really forget the way his mouth closed over her nipples, her lips, her clit, especially when he smiled that knowing smile. As though he could detail all the ways she’d practically begged him to take her. Side by side, on top, on bottom, her astride his face. He’d done it all with skill and the same confidence that probably spurred the challenge.
    What was the problem exactly? He was her shadow until Anna said differently. At every client meeting, lunch break, phone call and emailed press release, he was right there, being her shadow.
    Practically every moment of the past week, she had to pretend his proximity didn’t affect her one bit. Nicole had to act like his smell didn’t make her stomach twist with a need that could never be sated. She had to be unchanged by the way his low timbre traveled up her spine and made her want to shiver. She had to admit, only to herself, she admired the way he handled clients. They didn’t have the same methods, but she couldn’t deny his worked. He was smart and quick and driving her crazy.
    She stole a glance in his direction. He’d ditched the suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of the dress shirt to his elbows. She refused to let her gaze linger on the muscled forearms that brought back too many memories of how strong he was, or how she ran her tongue along the skin there just to taste him. Instead, she focused on his facial features, and, unfortunately, it wasn’t the lesser evil. Not with all the angles detailing pure masculine beauty.
    Frowning at the schedule pinned to the wall of her office, Sebastian stalked across the small space. Their last client of the day had left. The stars beckoned for admiration through the large window directly behind her. If he hadn’t been there, she would’ve called it a night, but he was; so she couldn’t.
    All those breaks during the past two months had turned her soft. To think, the man who had inspired the slow down mindset didn’t take things at a slow pace himself. What a fraud he’d been that weekend.
    Nicole wished she could point it out, but that would be admitting she’d thought more than once about what had happened between them. It hadn’t been simply sex between two

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