Down With Cupid Shorts Bundle
consenting adults, but something that changed her. Not a flaw she’d confess to in this lifetime or the next.
    Tired, she dredged up all the skills to fake boundless energy and enthusiasm and came up empty. It had been a long day and an even longer week. She rubbed at the worry lines creasing her forehead. “Sebastian, what is it?”
    “Chelsea’s really screwed up her hometown girl image. When will these celebrities learn to put on underwear when they’re about to get trashed?” He made a sound full of frustration and ran a hand through the black strands, finally making them look like they had during their weekend in bed. “I should be thinking about fifty different ways to salvage her reputation and image. Who to call. Who to call back first. Except, I can’t help but wonder what restaurants are nearby. I could kill a lion right now with my bare hands and eat it raw.”
    The comment was so unexpected she laughed. A grin whipped across his face and he joined in. Still chuckling, she tapped her phone and looked up the information.
    “Depends what you’re in the mood for. Some places deliver, most are Chinese or Thai.”
    “I’m feeling like pizza. The biggest slice I can shove in my mouth.” He moved to the couches, dug in his suit jacket and put his wallet in his pant’s pocket.
    “There’s a place adjacent to this building. Tell them I sent you and you’ll get it for free.”
    “How about we do one better? Come on.”
    He didn’t wait for an argument but headed to the door. She scowled at his back. “I still have some things to do before I can take a break,” she said.
    He slowed for a moment, grabbed the door handle and wrenched it open. “You’ve taken one and that was to the bathroom. You’ve been on your phone non-stop. As I’ve learned pretty quickly, that makes you grumpy as hell by the end of the day. You’re taking a break, especially if I have to deal with you for the next few hours.”
    He walked out the door, leaving it open. She wasn’t grumpy at the end of the day, she was tired. If she lost a bit of decorum, it was understandable. And if he were a true gentleman, he wouldn’t have brought it up. Her stomach grumbled a protest. The dissatisfied growl made the decision for her.
    Nicole didn’t follow him out—a fine distinction necessary to make—she met Sebastian at the elevator. He stood with his back against the door. It dinged in protest or maybe as a warning.
    “You know people have died that way.”
    “In movies.” He slid in after her and punched the ground-floor button.
    Silence filled the space. This was the first time they weren’t on the move for a client. The first time she let herself actually be alone with him when it didn’t involve work in some way. His cologne filled the space, and she tried to take shallow breaths, because what she wanted to do involved plastering herself against him and nuzzling his chest. Since he hadn’t made a single overture, giving in to the desire would be awkward at best.
    “You don’t have to act like I’m going to maul you.”
    Nicole must be tired if she couldn’t at least keep up her game face. “Not even close to what I was thinking.”
    She was scared of the opposite happening. He was arrogant, bossy and insufferable when it came to everything. He was also passionate. Not to forget, he smelled like something she wanted to sink her teeth into. And she knew just how well those qualities played out in bed. The changed woman she’d been trying to keep under wraps wanted to go a few more rounds with him, to see if he held up to the fantasies she’d built up around their weekend together.
    “Just thinking of how to fix this Chelsea fiasco,” she said. The doors slid open with a ding.
    “You’re an incredible liar in business not so much in personal matters. That’s a good thing. Thought you should know.”
    “Excuse me?”
    He put his hand on the door, waited for her to leave the elevator first and then followed. He

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