Dragon Alliance: Rise Against Shadow

Dragon Alliance: Rise Against Shadow by J. Michael Fluck

Book: Dragon Alliance: Rise Against Shadow by J. Michael Fluck Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Michael Fluck
Tags: Fiction, Action & Adventure
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expression of “hearing it through the rocks” was a dwarf phrase that was akin to hearing it through certified rumor. Dwarves had a unique sense about them; their mannerisms, phrases, and customs reflected their underground living tendencies, mining, and soldierly lifestyles.
    “How big is the mithril vein, Ordin?” Mkel asked.
    “We uncovered the top end of it this morning. Dorin and his miners have been trying to cut away the outer rock, but so far it is at least a foot and a half across. We don’t know how deep it goes, but when we get it out, it will be a bounty. Now tell me more of what the rangers found,” Ordin replied with a twinge of enthusiasm in his crusty voice. “I have not felled a giant or heard the sweet sound of their large evil bones cracking under my hammer in months.”
    “All I know is what Lupek blurted out to me after he arrived back this morning, and before I made him get cleaned up and spend a couple of hours with his family. They tracked a scout unit of orcs mounted on hellhounds and dire wolves. After killing most of them, they followed the survivor back across the Gray Mountains to the northernmost fire giant lands. The orc was careful to avoid Lucian Forest but did not escape the elven scouts’ watchful eyes as they passed out of our lands. Lupek, Deless, and one of their squads swooped down on the mounted orc before it was able to get to the fire giant encampment. That is all I know at present,” Mkel finished.
    “Greetings all,” stated Jodem from the far entrance of the meeting hall. The Weir’s wizard entered the large room, giving his customary greetings. Jodem wore his classic blue and white robe and carried his wizard’s staff, which had a sapphire dragonstone mounted on top. He was Mkel’s tutor, mentor, and surrogate uncle. He taught Mkel many lessons about leadership, politics, and magic, but especially precision marksmanship. Jodem sported medium-length, unkempt salt-and-pepper hair, and unlike most human wizards, he was clean shaven. He was slightly overweight, for he loved magic, marksmanship, politics, and philosophy, but he especially enjoyed good food, ale, and wine, being able to drink a dwarf under the table.
    Jodem was one of the most powerful wizards in the Alliance and served not only on the Draden Weir council, but on the Alliance Wizard Council of Thirteen, which included the top magic users in the republic. He had a mastery of most wizard spells and could route a legion almost by himself if he wanted, with the magic abilities of his dragonstone staff. The power of his spells and magic shield had defended the garrison and the Draden regiment from repeated magical attacks during many battles.
    Jodem and Gallanth watched over Mkel until he blood bonded and linked souls with the gold dragon. His laboratory was deep within Keystone Weir behind Gallanth’s ledge on the opposite side of Mkel’s living quarters. He and Gallanth, Ordin, Dorin, and the elves’ best weaponsmiths made arms out of the precious mithril.
    One of Jodem’s keys to success was that he was very accurate with his wizard’s staff, which also doubled as a long, heavy crossbow. It also had the power to deliver a shocking jolt upon a physical strike or a close threat. Jodem aimed his crossbow-like staff to fire most of his offensive spells at ranges over five hundred yards. This gave him the advantage of a much greater range over other wizards in casting spells (and significantly more accuracy). His lighting bolt spells could reach up to five hundred yards, as an example, versus the one-hundred-yard distance of the average wizard or sorcerer. Upon his command, the crossbow limbs sprang up from the side of the thick staff and the dragon sinew string stretched out. As a crossbow, it could deliver a bolt with enough power to fell an ogre in a single shot or fire a regular masterwork bolt that could take down any orc or grummish. He, Mkel, and Dekeen had regular competitions both in the Weir and

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