Dragon Frost

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Book: Dragon Frost by S. J. Wist Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. J. Wist
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
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completely useless anymore, at least.
    'You're too hard on yourself, Xirel. It will be okay.'
    He smiled as a memory of Sybl's words touched his mind and eased the pain he felt. She wasn't completely gone, and he only had to keep reminding himself of that. Fay didn't die. She would stay with Aragmoth until he was healed and Aster was once again in balance. He hoped that he would still be alive the day she chose to return, if she did at all.

    "Incoming dragon! All hands on deck--wait--is that the White Death...?" the captain trailed off.
    All the Threads on the ship all vibrated fear at once as the white titan flew straight towards them. Xirel found Ubi and pulled her close as he lifted his hand in the ready. He would cut the Threads of the dragon's wings should Nafury have lost his soul to Alexia. But the dragon did not attack and slowed his approach.  
    Nafury manipulated the air around himself until him could hover close enough to unshift and land his feet on deck. Such a feat would have been impossible for a dragon with no power over wind. Xirel lowered his hand and let out a breath of relief, as the entire ship remained in absolute panic.
    "Nafury!" Ubi squealed and ran over to him. "You made it!"
    "Of course I did. So little faith," he said as he looked at Xirel who raised an eyebrow at him, clearly unimpressed.
    "Was it necessary to terrify the entire ship?" Xirel asked.
    "Sorry, I was never much of a swimmer," Nafury replied with a shrug. He avoided eye contact with the crew that was now really angry. A few had soiled themselves from the fear of dying moments ago.
    "Master Xirel, is he a...friend?" the captain asked, hobbling over to them.
    "Indeed. Tell your men that they have nothing to fear now, as a dragoon and two Awls will be escorting them."
    "Phew. I didn't know there was another white dragon on Aster," the captain replied. The stocky man wiped the sweat from his forehead with his dirty handkerchief.
    "There has only ever been one white dragon on Aster," Xirel replied.
    The captain's eyes darted back at Nafury, before he made a hasty retreat to his cabin. He seemed uninterested in further details.
    "And to think you scold me for terrifying them," Nafury said.
    "You can't blame their terror," Loki said as he jumped down from an overhead mast. "You left little to the imagination of Simera back at the Sanctus."
    Nafury had yet to question Alexia of what had all transpired at the Sanctus. She was overly quiet about the topic.
    'I may have overdone it a little...' Alexia psi admitted.
    "Your crazed shift even cowers at the reality of what she did," Loki said. "They are still looking for all the body parts. I don't know what Alexia's history is with Simera, yet I think we should hear it before we continue on."
    Alexia? Nafury asked, and found her near the cabin wall. She couldn't become entirely invisible to him.
    She didn't answer.
    Nafury became more determined with his psi barrage on her, but she gave up nothing. Loki joined Nafury's efforts with his own psi and raised the pressure, and after a few minutes she buckled and gave in. Her usually cool, collected thoughts were now disorientated, as if she had hit her head. They saw enough, and Nafury let her be as she retreated from the deck.
    Nafury closed his eyes for a moment to let the sickening truth sink in. Even Loki had a look of shock on his face now. "He had what was coming for him," Nafury said and focused on Ubi who was listening to everything next to him.
    Xirel got the message that what happened to Alexia was not something for a young woman's ears when Loki looked at him. He left with the Awl to do other things.
      Nafury focused on Ubi and brought a hasty change of subject. "I like your cloak." He straightened the hood on her head, and brushed some of her bangs out of her eyes.
    "Xirel almost didn't buy it for me." Ubi pretended to pout. "He said that he would only show me how to use Thread to fish!"
    Nafury laughed and shook

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