Dragon Frost

Dragon Frost by S. J. Wist

Book: Dragon Frost by S. J. Wist Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. J. Wist
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
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part of in this reenactment. "After what happened between us, I didn't feel like fighting anymore." He looked then at the shadows that hid nearby, daring them to just try and take him on today.
    "I had no right to get angry at you like that. The phelan are beautiful and powerful creatures for battle. They are even more magnificent than the Nightmare Eaters of the first Aster," Asil said.
    "They are yours," he said, pulling his festra from his back and handing it to her.
    "They're your army," Asil said, but took the weapon anyway.
    Nafury shook his head. "All this has shown me that the choices I would have made on the first Aster are not suitable choices for this one. This is your world. I gave this to Asteria once, so the names bound to this weapon are now your army. You can make new wishes, but you cannot alter the ones made in your past. My most significant wish will always be for the happiness of my most beautiful Fay. You will always belong to me." Asil stood her ground as he touched the side of her face and kissed her forehead. Unlike this memory with Sybl, it didn't send a freezing chill down her spine. A feeling of warmth and safety blushed Asil's cheeks instead. "I wish I could go back and do everything right the first time. I wish you could only know me as I am now and never as anything else."
    She tilted her head as she studied his expression. "You seem so distant today. What's bothering you? You know you can tell me."
    "I know, and I know you would do everything in your power to make it right. But this is something that I need to do alone," he said. "In the meantime, I need you to promise me something."
    "Of course," Asil replied.
    "I need you to promise that you will always remember me. Just as I am now, regardless of what I become in the future."
    "You are the last one I would ever forget about, Damek. Now stop being so serious--you're making me worry."
    "I'm sorry," he said and turned around. When he walked away, the memory faded behind him. He opened his eyes and found himself standing before Sial, still holding onto his horn. He wasn't sure how long he had been away for, as snow had begun to pile up at his feet. Alexia had let him get rather cold, as her patience for him had expired.
    "You want what can never be, Damek," she stated without reserve.
    "I want Sybl to be happy and safe, as I have always wanted. I have no more demons left for excuses to keep me from achieving just that." He pulled Alexia's spirit to him, and shifted into his dragon form. Spreading his white wings out with a small cry, he used his aeri in the Threads of wind around him to warm up his blood. Retaking his command over the air, he turned his wings for the Harbor.


    Xirel watched Ubi run from one vendor to the next in the market at the Harbor. She was taking in everything that other-world shopping had to offer and not wearing out any time soon. He checked that he still carried all his money with him, just to be safe. The GLORIA would be the ship to take them over to the Torian Continent, and its captain had yet to negotiate all the costs of such trip.
    According to Loki, no ship had made the trip in years. Cecil had taken leadership of the dragons by right of his bloodline of Moon. While he did talk with friends of Sybl and the Sanctus, it didn't last long after her death. He only kept talks out of respect for Master Gei of the Sanctus. The Iynx had brought Cecil's Rose back to him from the ashes of the Phoenix's downfall. Just as the Sanctus' decayed, so did Cecil's patience for the Suzerain Continent. The warmongering that had taken up much of Kenshe's time made the phelan a nuisance. It was a campaign of fear, not security that he offered. It was likely the best he could do with his predecessor being the perfect dark Fay, Kas.
    Xirel's reminiscing of the past had distracted him. He brought his attention back to the present and found that Ubi wasn't where he last saw her. He could once again hear the

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