Dragon Prince 02 - The Star Scroll

Dragon Prince 02 - The Star Scroll by Melanie Rawn

Book: Dragon Prince 02 - The Star Scroll by Melanie Rawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Rawn
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grasslands, Pol glimpsed the beginning of the Long Sand, shimmering golden in the sunshine.
    Again Maarken understood his glance. “It’s always out there, isn’t it?” he murmured. “Waiting. We work so hard to make this little green ribbon along the coast, but the sand would take it back in a single winter if we ever got careless.” Changing his tone, he asked, “How is the old prince these days?”
    “Hale and hearty for his age, and asks to be remembered to you. As if anyone could ever forget him!”
    “He does tend to make an impression—especially on your backside when he’s caught you doing something you shouldn’t.”
    Pol started. “How did you—?”
    Maarken grinned. “Oh, you’re not alone, believe me. But it’s a relief to know he applies the same remedy to princes as well as lowly lords. How long was it before you could sit down?”
    “A whole day,” Pol admitted sourly.
    “He must like you, then. It was two days before I recovered.” Maarken stood in his stirrups and peered at the bulk of Radzyn Keep, then smiled in delight. “There’s Mother and Father with the new foals! They were going to come meet you today, but the Master of Horse insisted the inspection had to be this morning, and he’s a real tyrant. Come on, let’s go watch.”
    A wild ride and several jumped fences later, they drew rein. Princess Tobin, neat and trim in riding leathers, gave a glad cry and jumped down from her horse. Pol dismounted and went to be hugged and kissed. He was then held at arm’s length while his aunt’s black eyes regarded him in astonishment.
    “Chay!” she called to her husband. “Come over here and see what Lleyn sent us in place of the hatchling we gave him three years ago!”
    Pol found that he was no longer at eye-level with his aunt. He hadn’t realized he’d grown so much taller. She was grayer around the temples and white threads wove through her black braids now, but otherwise was just as he remembered: beautiful as a starry night. Pol looked up as Chay came over to them, and was startled again to find he didn’t have to tilt his head as far back to look into those piercing gray eyes.
    “Don’t be silly, Tobin,” Chay admonished, giving Pol a quick hug. “It has to be Pol—either that or Rohan all over again at that age. My own gray hairs tell me that time hasn’t gone backward, so it must be Pol. You don’t look any the worse for the crossing,” he added, ruffling the boy’s hair.
    “Not now, I don’t. But you should’ve seen me last night. And I have a feeling I did something awful all over the deck!”
    “Never you mind,” Tobin soothed. “It’s just proof that you’ve the faradhi gift.” She turned and smiled at Meath. “Welcome to Radzyn. And thank you for taking care of Pol on the way.”
    “I can’t make any claims to having done so, my lady,” The Sunrunner said as he swung off his horse. “Goddess greeting to you both, my lord,” he went on, bowing to Chay. “I bring you fond words from Prince Lleyn and all his family.”
    “Glad to have you here at Radzyn,” Chay replied. “And it’s good to know the old boy’s well. If you’re not too tired, why don’t the three of you come look at our new crop of foals?” He slung a companionable arm across Pol’s shoulders. “I’m disgustingly proud of them—like all my brood,” he added with a smile for his eldest son.
    As they walked to the paddock fence Meath remarked, “The Desert breeds sons and Sunrunners as fine as its horses, my lord. I’ve reason to know.”
    Tobin nodded proudly. “I think you’ll find that this year, they’re all something very special. Pol, do you see those six little beauties over there? Three grays, a sorrel, and a pair almost golden?”
    Pol caught his breath at the sight of them. Long legs carried them in playful leaps that were more graceful than awkward despite mere days of life. The golden duo in particular caught Pol’s eye, so alike in color and size, and

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