Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad!
So it only makes sense that you would formulate a plan for problems, as painful and scary as it is to do so.
    The thought of something happening to your unborn child sparks panic in anyone. If something were to happen, you might have trouble thinking straight. So it’s best to prepare for this type of situation when you are calm, cool, and collected. Here is a list of recommended phone numbers to keep on hand. For redundancy, and in case your cell phone is dropped, run over, or swept out to sea, please keep a paper copy in your home, in her purse, and in your wallet.
In emergencies, dial 911; this is more of a reminder for when everyone freaks out and your brain locks up
Local emergency-room number
Your doctor’s number or after-hours answering service
Insurance information
Your BMP’s health information, including any allergies to medication
Family contact information
    Along the pregnancy journey, there are many things that can crop up. Maybe there’s a miscarriage, and both you and your partner will need to heal. Time is the only thing that will have a dramatic impact on how miserable you feel. But if having children is important to you both, try to find the courage to try again. I know we did. Maybe you find out your child has a birth defect or some other issue. Notice that the word “problem” is not used here. I have met parents of children with autism or another condition who have boundless love for their children. I am not going to say it doesn’t require effort, or that there aren’t difficult times, but in my experience the love is always strong. For these issues there is no platitude or foolproof advice I can give. Hold each other tight and talk to each other, no matter how tough it gets.

Dad’s Crib Notes for Chapter 3
You will begin going to the doctor’s office on a regular basis. You’re going to feel like you’re there often enough to start paying rent. Don’t miss any of the appointments if you can help it; some pretty cool stuff takes place along the way.
While I referenced your doctor, you may select other health-care-provider options, such as a midwife or doula.
Your BMP will be undergoing more tests than an Olympic athlete. These are mostly to ensure that your child is developing safely.
As difficult as it is to think about, make sure you have a plan in place just in case any emergencies arise. Keep your insurance information and the names and numbers of your provider around at all times.

The Second Trimester

The second trimester holds many joys in its ample bosom for you to enjoy. Its cups overflow with reasons to celebrate, like the halfway point of the pregnancy, some respite and stability for a time before the big event, and hopefully, a lessening of morning sickness.
    For most of you, the worry of miscarriage will pass during this time. As for your BMP, get ready for some really visible changes. Although this is seen as the least-difficult trimester for many pregnant women, make sure you continue to offer support. Monthly doctor’s visits will continue up until week 20, and then they’ll pick up again to between every two to three weeks.
    So this is a trimester to regroup and prepare yourself for the hectic third trimester that will be here before you know it.

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes . . .
    As your BMP enters the second trimester, you begin to suspect she’s smuggling something beneath her shirt. You figure either the baby is really beginning to show or your woman is a drug mule for a Mexican cartel.
    This is the trimester where the most growth and change occurs. Some good news that should help you stay strong is that sometime soon your BMP’s energy will be making a comeback (sort of like the 2004 Red Sox). Her trips to the restroom should start to decrease, so you’ll no longer be tempted to suggest an adult diaper for her when the two of you go out in public together. Unfortunately, constipation can become more common now.
    On the plus side, her breast

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