Duke Herheart Final

Duke Herheart Final by Olivia Ritch Page A

Book: Duke Herheart Final by Olivia Ritch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Ritch
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the bathroom?’
    “Line for the bathroom, miss?”
    “Uh, umm…line to use the mirror and the hair styling tools?”
    Kathryn realized her mistake; no point in bringing up a subject that didn’t even exist.
    “So, have you worked here long?” Kathryn thought to try a different conversation stream.
    “No miss, I’ve arrived today,” Ellie announced proudly.
    “Today? Let me guess, your arrival coincided with mine,” Kathryn pressed.
    “Yes, miss. Isn’t proper for a lady not to have a maid,” Ellie fussed.
    Kathryn was quiet and Ellie prompted, “Miss?”
    “Sorry. I was thinking about something else.” Someone else.
    Someone who had ordered up a maid for her in the short time since they had split? Had she thought him just a bit arrogant and controlling? He 36

    Duke of Her Dreams – Olivia Ritch

    was definitely masterful.
    “I-I…like it here. This job, it’s my chance to help my family. So if it’s all the same to you…”
    “So you do want this work?” Kathryn had interrupted her then realized too late as she heard her own embarrassingly condescending tone that this was probably a very good job for a girl from the village.
    Ellie’s eyes were downcast but her strong fingers continued moving in Kathryn’s hair. It did feel wonderful for someone to be working her hair like that. It had truly been a long time since her last cut and color and there was no question her hair was ragged looking. Kathryn was shamed by her prejudices. Ellie was obviously a strong competent woman who knew what she wanted. This job was her way “out.” “I’m sorry, that didn’t come out right. I’ll try to behave.”
    Ellie’s inelegant snort suggested she knew exactly what Kathryn meant.
    Ellie had turned Kathryn from the mirror and she figured the maid had done so before her mistress had an opportunity to complain. “There, you can turn around now.”
    Kathryn faced the mirror and wondered at the woman’s reflection.
    She knew she was looking at herself but this person was so different, with piled high curls, some of the bouncing tendrils dancing down to touch her cheek, her ear and her neck, and one long curl even wound its way down her back. Absently, she reached her hand to touch and Ellie jumped, obviously fearful she would tear down the cascading waterfall of hair. “It’s amazing. You did this all with just some bobby pins and, oh my gosh, it’s got ribbons woven through it. It’s…stunning.” Kathryn turned to bless Ellie with a smile that lit her entire face causing the girl in turn to blush profusely. Ellie hurriedly set about returning all the implements to their rightful places.
    For the first time since waking up in the alternate dream universe, Kathryn felt like… not that she fit in but that at least she wasn’t any longer a total embarrassment. It was a start.
    Recalling that the luncheon gong had pealed some time ago and surely, she was late by now, Kathryn rushed from the room into a wall of hard human flesh. Huge hands grabbed her upper arms, squeezed tight, and steadied her. She was not sure if it was the impact that had stolen her breath or if it had been the faint smell of man’s cologne and earthy cleanliness that teased her senses or the tightness of his grip, for all of those had enveloped her as she raised her gaze to Michael Stafford’s eyes.
    “Well, Miss Ragland. You look…presentable.”

    Duke of Her Dreams – Olivia Ritch

    “Presentable? That’s certainly not a compliment.”
    “No. I guess not. In the army, had an officer said…”
    “I’m not in the army and I’ll have you know that it took me probably thirty minutes to get into this dress and Ellie more time to lace it and then this hair…”
    “Miss Ragland, you look lovely.” He interrupted her tirade and gifted her with a smile. “I have come to fetch you for luncheon and am most pleasantly surprised to find you ready.” He paused. “Have I now been properly appreciative of your

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