Duke Herheart Final

Duke Herheart Final by Olivia Ritch

Book: Duke Herheart Final by Olivia Ritch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Ritch
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to her face at all and puffy light piled high curls.
    Neither of them was smiling. In fact, they looked sour. The price, as high as the first, had her setting the painting aside.
    With one last glance over the long gone faces, Kathryn quit the overstuffed room and turned back toward the front of the store. “You liked the paintings, did you not?” The woman had seen her looking at the paintings and Kathryn recognized a faint British accent. The lady must be Tilly herself.
    “Yes ma’am. The one with the couple was intriguing…they seemed unhappy, like they were not glad to be painted together.”
    “My dear, that’s exactly what I thought. When I bought that set from a dealer in Herefordshire, England, I had the distinct impression that theirs had been an arranged marriage,” Tilly elaborated.
    Humph. “Yes, most likely. I’m so glad we’ve outgrown that tradition. If it were still acceptable today, I’d probably be married off to one of my great aunt’s bridge group member’s sons.” Kathryn pulled a face at the thought, which was not too much of an exaggeration.
    “That’s an idea. I will have to take another look at the boys available to my granddaughter. She’s not as young or quite as pretty as you.”
    Then, she thought somewhat wistfully as she inclined her head. “You want the painting? The sour couple?”
    “You know, I think they’re fascinating, but I can’t spend that kind of money just to take them home and rejoice that I’m not in their shoes.”
    “I will give you a deal you can’t refuse.” And with those fateful words, Kathryn had become the owner of the Wilton picture.
    As Kathryn’s thoughts returned to the present, it seemed she had 34

    Duke of Her Dreams – Olivia Ritch

    gotten much more than she had bargained for.

    * * * *
Michael met his butler in the hall. “Thorpe, is she settling in?”
    “Yes, My Lord, but she is also insisting we are making too much of a fuss over her and that she is leaving first thing tomorrow.” Michael recognized the tone intended to get the master’s attention. “She is determined to leave.”
    “We can’t hold her against her will but we can insist she be better prepared for a journey. Has she yet said where she is headed?”
    “No, My Lord.”
    “Send Smithers to the study. We will spend a few minutes on business before our guest joins us for luncheon. Also, she will need slippers. Please see to that too.”
    “As you say, sir.” He spoke with deference but Michael caught the censure in Hallthorpe’s tone, that his Master was altogether too blasé about Miss Ragland’s plans…to leave. His henchman was wrong.

    Duke of Her Dreams – Olivia Ritch

Chapter Four
    From somewhere in the house, a gong sounded and Kathryn looked up from her mirror wondering if this was the luncheon bell she had read about in Regency romance novels. Having dismissed the maid so thoroughly, Kathryn had found out quickly just why maids were so necessary. She hadn’t been able to get her dress together by herself and finally succumbed to the need to pull the rope in her room that would summon help. When Ellie arrived just seconds later, Kathryn was feeling extremely contrite.
    Ellie went right to work lacing up the gown without being asked.
    “Miss, will you let me help with your hair, too? I have a house full of sisters and I’ve lots of practice with styles,” she said. “Besides, the Master will expect it. Ladies wear their hair up.” The master would expect her to look more respectable than the ramshackle way she had arrived. Men’s breeches and loose hair no less!
    “Might as well. I’ve already been a pretty big failure at putting on the dress. Clearly I need a little help,” Kathryn acknowledged graciously.
    “As you say, miss.”
    “How many sisters do you have?” Kathryn watched the girl in the mirror work wonders with her hair.
    “There are five in all, miss.”
    “Wow, I just have one sister. I guess there’s always a line for

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