gently until an orgasm broke from her. As her body returned
from the clouds, she heard him whisper, “Sleep now.”
She would have thought he’d remove his
hand, but he didn’t. She drifted off to sleep with his finger lying
along her slit and embraced by her labia.
With the first rays of dawn pushing
the darkness from the room, she awoke with his kiss along her neck
and shoulder.
He continued a path down her spine,
once he licked the scar from her surgery.
She shivered.
Once he returned, lightly kissing her
neck again, he whispered, “One more time, sweetheart; before the
new day takes this away.”
Following his urging, she rolled to
her back and parted her thighs. As the sun rose higher in the
eastern sky bringing the end to their affair a little closer, she
held on to the man moving inside of her.
They made love slowly and whispered
words of pleasure, no promises. This was it and Amana knew it. The
last time she’d feel Neal inside of her. The last time he would
hold her.
Her toes curled and her fingernails
dug deep into his back as she arched against him, loving the feel
of his thick length thrusting inside of her. The moments stretched
into minutes and the minutes grew as they continued to writhe on
the sheets, holding each other tight--one giving, the other
Her heart ached, she didn’t want this
to end, but knew it had to. One night and a baby was all it was
meant to be. Love was not a part of the equation. However, at that
moment she would have gladly delayed the child for Neal’s
Pressing her face into the strong
muscles of his neck, she came hard. Her body shuddered, an
accompanying echo of the release of the man holding her as silent
tears spilled from her eyes.
Tumbling to his back, he pulled her
with him. She laid there and took in the needed breath to calm
herself. It was time to go.
Once she’d regained control of her
emotions, she got up, giving him her back. “I need to shower before
I go.” She dragged the sheet to her chest.
“ Do you want me to come
with you?” There was a tension to his voice that she didn’t
But she couldn’t worry about how Neal
was feeling the morning after when her mind was a mess. “No.” she
stood up, taking the sheet with her, feeling as if she needed the
shield, the comfort.
“ Amana, this--”
She bent over, swiped her dress from
the floor and rushed into the bathroom, not wanting to hear his
words. What could he say? “This was fun”…”This was amazing”…. “This
night should have produced a baby”? All of that was true and none
of it made her feel any better.
Locking the door, she stared at the
mirror before her. In it, she saw a woman who had been loved
thoroughly and had found a passion inside herself that she never
knew existed. In the eyes of the woman staring back at her, was the
realization that she had altered her life forever. Even if a baby
had not been conceived.
Neal lay in the bed, trying to figure
out what happened in the span of three minutes. One minute he was
holding Amana’s supple body in his arms and the next she was moving
away from him. Why did it feel like it wasn’t only physically as
she clung to the sheet as if it were her lifeline, but emotionally
there seemed to be a gulf growing between them? How was it that
they could spend all night making love to each other and have so
much distance now?
Sitting up, he balanced his elbow on a
raised knee and listened to the steady spray of the shower. Even if
he had been tempted to join her, hearing the click of the lock into
place was like a gun going off in the room declaring she wanted to
be alone.
Getting up from the bed, he pulled on
his pants; he’d shower when she was done. Going to the hotel phone,
he called down to have her keys brought up. Dan would have left
them at the front desk. Then he made a second call on his cell to
Dan to have him come and pick him up.
He placed his cell back on the
nightstand and began to
Scott Westerfeld
Cristy Rey
Kathe Koja
M.C.A. Hogarth
Jeremiah Healy
Alanis Knight
L. E. Modesitt Jr.
Dawn Ryder
Rhonda Nelson
Lori Brighton