A Piece of Me
gather his clothes and toss them on the
bed. Beneath the bed skirt, purple lace winked at him. Reaching
underneath the short drape, he removed Amana’s panties. Her
delicate purple panties that he’d had the pleasure of removing.
Knowing what she wore under her clothing now was going to drive him
crazy at work. He had no doubt that he’d be playing images of her
in passion for a long time to come.
    The bathroom door opened and Amana
stepped out dressed in the gown. Lost in his own thoughts he hadn’t
even heard the shower turn off. Now she stood barely out of the
bathroom door and stared at him. To him she looked more beautiful
in the dress now with her fresh face sans make-up and her thick
hair, wet from her shower now pulled back in a braid.
    “ I left you half the bottle
of mouth wash,” she announced.
    “ Thanks.”
    “ May I have those?” She
gestured towards him.
    At first he wasn’t sure what she was
talking about, until he looked down and realized he was still
holding her panties. Moving around the bed, he placed them in her
hand. “Are you alright?
    “ Never better.” A smile
pulled the corners of her mouth, brilliant and wide, but it didn’t
radiate from her brown eyes.
    He frowned. He really wanted them to
sit down and talk. “What’s the game plan?”
    She brushed passed him and walked to
the dresser. Once there she picked up her silver purse and stuffed
the underwear inside and snapped the purse shut. “No, plan. We go
back to how things were before last night.” Turning, she faced him.
“The only thing we can do is wait.”
    Go back to the way things
were? To Neal that felt like an
insurmountable task when all he wanted to do was to pull her in his
arms and hold her. “Look, we--”
    There was a knock at the door with the
words ‘room service’ called out.
    Neal crossed to the door, pulled it
open and took the envelope containing Amana’s keys, then pulled his
wallet out of his pocket to tip the woman. Once he handed Amana the
pouch, he said, “Like I was saying. We can talk more once I get out
of the shower.”
    She remained silent and glanced away
from him, staring out of the window as she’d done the night before
when they arrived. As if outside of the room things could not be
the same between them. Bullshit, he wanted to yell.
    Turning to the bathroom, he started
walking towards it, when her voice stopped him.
    “ There’s nothing for us to
talk about, Neal.”
    Pivoting back, seeing her
put her heels on, he moved to her. “Of course there is.” There had
to be… he couldn’t have had a night like last night and there not
be something that
needed to be discussed.
    Rising from the side of the bed, she
stood tall before him. “What? What is there to say, that we didn’t
cover last night?”
    He took hold of her shoulders. She
didn’t pull away, but he could feel the tension in her body. “Just
wait until I get out of the shower.”
    “ I can’t. I have to go home
and change. There are things I need to take care of this
    “ Like what?” He felt
helpless, wanting to keep her in this room and with him, but not
having any control to do it.
    “ Like the employee dinner
tonight. I need to make some last minute calls to ensure everything
is set up correctly.”
    “ Can’t you do that from
here?” His thumbs caressed the smooth skin of her shoulders and the
small shudder in her body didn’t escape him.
    Giving him a small smile, she said,
“No, sir. I can’t.”
    Shit. It was the tone she used to say
sir, it was all business. The voice she always used when she was
around him, before last night. Pulling her to his chest, he lowered
his head and kissed her. Nothing deep, he just allowed his lips to
rest against hers for a moment. If wishes could be made by kisses,
he would have hoped to turn back the hands of time one day--24
fucking hours to do over again.
    If he had it to do all over again, he
was sure there were things he would have said. Something he

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