Duncan's Bride

Duncan's Bride by Linda Howard

Book: Duncan's Bride by Linda Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Howard
    â€œThe Pacific Ocean covers almost sixty-four-million square miles.”
    â€œThe safety pin was invented in 1849.”
    â€œNo! That long ago? Zippers were invented in 1893, and it’s a good thing, because wouldn’t you hate to get caught in a safety pin?”
    S HE WAS QUIET on the drive back to Billings the next morning. The evening had ended well, with the hilarity of their mutual store of odd facts, but the strain had told on her in the form of a sleepless night. She couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing him again, but that was the way it was, and she was determined to keep her pain to herself. Nothing would be gained by weeping all over him, which was exactly what she felt like doing.
    He looked tired, too, and it was no wonder when she considered how early he’d had to get up for the past two days, and how much driving he’d done. She said,“I’m sorry you’re having to go to so much trouble to take me back.”
    He shot her a glance before returning his attention to the road. “You had a wasted trip, too.”
    So she was categorized under “Wasted Trip.” She wondered wryly if her other dates had merely been flattering her all these years.
    It was only about half an hour before her flight when they reached the airport. He’d timed it nicely, she thought. She wouldn’t have to rush, but on the other hand, there wasn’t time for a lengthy goodbye, and she was glad. She didn’t know how much she could take. “You don’t need to park,” she said. “Just let me out.”
    He gave her another glance, but this one was strangely angry. He didn’t speak, just parked and came around to open the door for her. Quickly she jumped out before he could catch her by the waist and lift her out again.
    Reese’s mouth had a grim set as he put his hand on the small of her back and walked with her into the terminal. At least the skirt she was wearing today was full enough that she could move freely, but the way it swung around her legs was just as maddening, in a different way, as that tight white skirt had been. He kept thinking that this one would be even easier to push up out of the way.
    Her flight was just being called when they reached the gate. She turned with a smile that cost more than she could afford and held out her hand. “Goodbye, Reese. I wish you luck.”
    He took her hand, feeling the smooth texture of her fingers in contrast to his hardened, callused palm. She would be that smooth and silky all over, and that was why he was sending her away. He saw her wide, softlips part as she started to say something else, and hunger rose up in him like a tidal wave, crashing over barriers and sweeping everything away.
    â€œI have to taste you,” he said in a low, harsh tone, carrying her hand upward to tuck it around his neck. “Just once.” His other arm circled her waist and pulled her to him as he bent his head.
    It wasn’t a polite goodbye kiss. It was hard and deep. His mouth was hot and wild, with the taste of tobacco and himself. Madelyn put her other arm around his neck and hung on, because her legs had gone watery. The force of his mouth opened hers, and he took her with his tongue. He held her to him with painful pressure, crushing her breasts against him and cradling her pelvis against the hard, aching ridge of his manhood.
    Vaguely she heard other people around them. It didn’t matter. He was making love to her with his mouth, arousing her, satisfying her, consuming her. He increased the slant of his head, tucking her head more firmly into his shoulder, and kissed her with all the burning sensuality she had sensed in him on first sight.
    Her heart lurched as pleasure overrode shock, swiftly escalating to an almost unbearable tension. She not only welcomed the intrusion of his tongue, she met it with her own, making love to him as surely as he was to her. He shuddered, and for a

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