Echoes and Embers (Rebel Angels)

Echoes and Embers (Rebel Angels) by Cyndi Friberg

Book: Echoes and Embers (Rebel Angels) by Cyndi Friberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Friberg
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memory left Sariel shaken. He understood the cost of rebellion all too well. This sort of defiance was never allowed to fester, not after a third of Heaven Fell in the last uprising.
    As if responding to his thought, a flash of lightning rent the sky. Thunder shook the ground and the Rebel Angels closed ranks, forming a tight circle back to back in classic angelic battle formation.
    Michael, Prince of the Archangels, appeared in front of Ambrose. Wings spread wide, flaming sword poised to strike, Michael waited for the others to face him before he spoke. “The stench of your dissension has reached the throne of God.”
    “You have no authority over me, Archangel . My order is more highly ranked than yours.”
    Sariel recoiled from the open hostility radiating from the cherub. Archangel or not, Michael commanded the armies of God.
    “I have whatever authority I am given.” With a forceful wave of Michael’s hand Ambrose disappeared.
    Time itself seemed to miss a beat.
    Silence descended on the hill.
    Michael turned to the others, gesturing with his flaming sword. “This little band of rebels is about to be dispersed—permanently. You each have one chance at redemption, or you will be expected to Fall .”
    “ You are going to grant us this opportunity?” The only male who had not yet spoken stepped forward. “I want nothing from you.”
    “Then nothing you shall have.” Michael waved his hand and the other angel disappeared.
    Lailah cried out. “Where did you send Caleb? This is so unfair. We did not create this conflict. We are trapped within in it.”
    “We are slaves to mankind?” Michael paraphrased, pointing his sword at the male who had first uttered the words. “I think, Uriah, you might benefit from such servitude.”
    “Stop it!” Lailah reached for Michael’s arm, but it was too late. Uriah disappeared. “How can you blame us for our discontent? There is no peace in Heaven and life has lost its splendor.”
    “Life reveals its splendor in the most unlikely ways, Lailah. I pray that you will understand before it is too late.” With a sad shake of his head, Michael dispatched Lailah.
    “Are we all to Fall ?” Gideon shouted, stomping toward the archangel. “While the mortals revel in immorality and violence, you will punish us?”
    “Whether or not you Fall is and has always been your choice. I am forcing nothing upon you.”
    “I thirst for their blood,” Gideon cried. “I want to feel it running over my hands and—”
    “Be careful what you wish for, Gideon, or I will give you exactly what you want.”
    “Do your worst! This is madness.”
    “You must find peace within this madness or you will Fall.”
    “No!” Alyssa screamed as Michael dispatched Gideon. Her sleeping body jerked, jarred by the memory.
    Without releasing his link with her mind, Sariel solidified, pulling her trembling body into his arms. She clung to him, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her mouth moved , forming the words she spoke in the memory.
    “Is this your game then, Michael? Twist our words to form our punishments?”
    “Punishments?” Michael paused, his expression thoughtful. His wings rippled subtly. “I choose to see them as opportunities.”
    “Opportunities for what?” the last male demanded.
    “Daniel, don’t,” Alyssa tugged on her friend’s arm, but he twisted away.
    Michael faced the last two Rebel Angels. “If there is no justice in Heaven, perhaps you can find it in the realm of man.”
    Daniel disappeared, leaving Alyssa alone with the archangel.

Chapter Four
    Alyssa screamed, struggling against the arms encircling her. Memories, vivid and dreadful, pelted her mind like hail. “They’re gone. Michael sent them all away.”
    Trembling, she collapsed against the person holding her, sobbing helplessly. She wrapped her arms around his back, clutching his tunic.
    The hillside scene receded, leaving a vast emptiness within her soul. She had been angry and discontent, convinced

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