surroundings to make sure no other photographers jumped out at me. A few people still stared a little too long.
    “I don’t know. I like doing the whole television thing but I’m starting to get burned out, you know? I never thought I’d be doing this for as long as I have.”
    “Six years isn’t that long.”
    “Oh no? Working in TV news can be soul sucking, trust me.”
    “What else do you want to do?”
    “I haven’t a clue.” I shrugged.
    “What does Alastair have to say about that? He did make you move here and take that job.”
    I stopped short and gave her a look. “First of all, he didn’t make me move here. I wanted to. Second, I took the job because I thought it would be a great stepping stone for my career.”
    “Okay, okay. PMS.” She put her hands up in retreat. “I suppose it’s convenient that he has dual citizenship if he wants to relocate and work out of the New York office though, right?”
    “I don’t know if he’ll do that. It’s not really something we’ve ever talked about.”
    “Keep the option open,” she said, pushing through the revolving doors. “What are you doing tonight? Come over and hang out until Alastair gets back from London. I’ll be home alone.”
    “Um, sure. I don’t know what time he’s coming back though.”
Or if he is
    “Then leave him a love note and tell him you’re at my place, naked and tied up on the couch.”
    I lifted an eyebrow. “So you either want him to think he’s walking into an orgy or I’ve been kidnapped?”
    Stephanie laughed good and loud as we waltzed through the lobby toward the elevators. “I suppose I should have worded that better. What time do you go off the air again?”
    “Six. Unless I royally screw up and they throw up bars and tone in the first segment.”
    “You’ll be amazing,” she smiled. “Come by the townhouse whenever. I’ll order Chinese.”
    More magical words had never been spoken. I could already picture myself diving into a carton of egg rolls and shrimp lo mein. At some point I should really get back into my jogging routine. To say I’d been lazy since moving here was an understatement. Then again, I’ve more than made up for the lack of jogging with bedroom activities.
    “I’ll be there with bells on,” I said as the doors swished open.
    “Fabulous. Oh, and call your mother,” she yelled over her shoulder walking out of the elevator.
    * * *
    “Lia.” Meredith burst through the door breathless and flushed. “Julian is on his way. He wants more time for the interview.”
    “We’re stacked pretty heavy,” I smiled, amused at her blatant fear of the man. If she wanted a career in television she’d have to shore up her intimidation factor and face these people with more confidence. “Tell him no.”
    She paled and ran out. Seconds later Julian strolled in.
    “Lia,” he smiled. “Love, I need an extra five minutes.”
He must be drunk
    “Yes, five. We only have three in the segment. It was originally longer and I don’t see any scenario that will enable me to accomplish my interview in a responsible, informative manner that doesn’t include an additional five minutes.”
    “So, you want to subject the viewing public to eight minutes of you and Brent Garrison?” I rolled my eyes. “No offense but neither one of you are that interesting. Besides, he’s only here to promote himself and his real estate accomplishments.”
    “I’ve already looked at the next segment. There are stories in there you can bump or kill or whatever,” he said, ignoring my remarks. To humor him, I scrolled through the rundown as he continued to butter me up with flowery language and pearly white smiles. He even worked in a brief shoulder massage. There were a couple of stories I could shuffle and one I could bump to next week. I managed to finagle them without destroying the program’s flow.
    “I can give you an extra two but that’s it. Don’t waste the time.”
    Julian grinned

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