Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01]

Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] by Love's Destiny Page A

Book: Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] by Love's Destiny Read Free Book Online
Authors: Love's Destiny
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the previous night, and her hair was a mass of golden tangles. Visions of her encounter with Jonathon assailed her, and she halted before the door afraid that he might be on the other side.
    “Miss Wentworth, are you awake?” Mr. Gates called.
    Relief swept her and she answered, “Yes, Mr. Gates. Is Andrew all right?”
    “He is conscious, but very weak. I wanted to keep my promise to you.” She heard the amusement in his voice.
    “I shall be there shortly. Thank you, Mr. Gates,” Hastily she doffed her clothes and sparingly used her precious rainwater to freshen up. Pulling a comb through them, she managed her tousled locks and in a moment had them pulled back in a shining cascade down her back. Tears stung her eyes in witness to the quick, but determined styling. She donned a light blue muslin frock that mirrored her eyes. Realizing that she was dressing hurriedly for Andrew, but carefully for Jonathon, she slammed down the ribbons she was about to arrange in her hair, afraid to admit to herself that she was taking more care than making haste.
    Her heart pounded faster as she reached her door and realized she might come face to face with Jonathon. Inevitably she would have to face him today, but she did not know what she would say. Her cheeks burned at the thought, but deep inside a glimmer of excitement thrilled at it. Setting her lips in a grim line, she flung open the door ready to do battle. No one was about. With a sinking feeling, she hurried to Andrew’s cabin.
    On entering she was surprised to see Andrew much as she had left him the previous night. But as she neared the bed she was aware of his deep, even breathing. His coloring had improved, too, but he was sleeping deeply. She looked questioningly at Mr. Gates.
    “He was awake for only a moment, lass. He will be slipping in and out for a day or more. But a promise is a promise,” his eyes twinkled.
    “Let me relieve you now, Mr. Gates, so you can rest,” Emily offered.
    “Aye, lass, it is a fine, fair day. Most of us will be resting after the raging tempest we experienced yesterday,” he replied. “Call if you need me, child.” Rising he went to the door where he paused and turned. Looking closely at Emily he asked, “Did you sleep well, child?”
    Unconsciously raising a hand to her lips, Emily wondered frantically if she had been branded by Jonathon’s kiss.
    “You look a bit flushed, but very refreshed,” he explained.
    “Oh, I slept very well, thank you, Mr. Gates,” she said quickly.
    Still watching her, Gates weighed her words. Then nodding, he turned and left.
    Emily sank back in the chair. She looked down at Andrew sleeping peacefully. She shuddered as she recalled the events of yesterday and the deathly pallor that had covered his face. She closed her eyes to block that picture, but Andrew’s face became her father’s and an ache began in Emily’s stomach. The familiar tightness clutched her throat. Tears streamed down her face and dropped onto her clenched hands. Loneliness and confusion overwhelmed her.
    “Em?” She heard a whisper like a sigh of a summer’s breeze. “Em?” Opening her eyes she saw her brother’s lips move. Brushing the tears away she leaned close to him.
    “Andrew, I am here.”
    Struggling to open his eyes, Andrew whispered, “What happened…?”
    “Andrew, you must rest, please, just rest.” Emily whispered. “You were on the mizzenmast during the storm. It snapped and you fell into the sea. Captain Brentwood saved you.”
    “Jonathon … yes, Jonathon …” he mumbled and drifted back into oblivion.
    The mention of Jonathon’s name brought the memory of soft lips against hers and Emily shifted in her seat. She still had to face him today and had not yet settled on what to say. Trying to decide filled the rest of her morning.
    • • •
    Refreshed after some food and relieved of her watch over Andrew early in the afternoon, Emily decided, encounter or not, she was in dire need of some fresh

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