Ellen Foster

Ellen Foster by Kaye Gibbons Page B

Book: Ellen Foster by Kaye Gibbons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaye Gibbons
Tags: Fiction, Classics
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will not fit down his throat.
    When it dawns on him to leave on his own will he heads off for another room. He has a mama here but he did not get a daddy.

    When it turned summer I went to my mama’s mama’s house. All that summer was a bad time and no matter how hard I try I still remember her sad.
    I told Roy and Julia I had rather go to the reform school or even get on the chain gang than go stay with her. I did not know her good but she caused a knot in me just thinking about her face.
    They said they sympathized but there was not a thing they could do anymore. They said they would see me on visits which we did not have because Julia got fired and they had to move away.
    She sends me a letter now when you least expect it.
    It makes me slow down and sad to think about my mama’s mama’s house. All the time was like a record you play on the wrong speed.
    Before I left I packed all of my things that would fit in onebox and willed the rest to Julia and Roy. Some of these things might come in handy I said to them.
    Maybe it is wasteful to scatter your worldly goods from hither to yon but I never wanted to have more than would tie up or tape down in the box. All I really cared about accumulating was money. I saved a bundle.
    My mama’s mama picked me up in her long car that was like the undertaking car only hers was cream. I told Roy and Julia one more time I did not need to go.
    If we have to live together the least you could do is talk to me like you know I am in your car is what I thought to say to her. I figured she would warm up to me.
    But all she asked on the way to her house was when does school start again?
    Lord it just ended and I sure am looking forward to the summer at your house I said for the icebreaker.
    I asked you when school starts. I do not need the commentary is what she said back to me hot.
    So September. I said September.
    I said my answer quick and on time like the army way. I saluted in my head.
    I just kept guessing she was nervous around strangers and she would soften up. But if I knew then all I know about her now I would have jumped out of her car moving and hightailed it.
    For a while I figured she might have liked the idea of having a girl around the house but when she saw my actual self and my box she changed her mind.
    You cannot blame her. I am not exactly a vision. But Lord I have good intentions that count.
    I decided I would make the best of the situation because you can generally adjust to somebody with money to burn. She might be a witch but she has the dough is what I decided to tell myself.
    But by July I called her the damn witch to myself and all the money she had did not matter anymore. That is something when you consider how greedy I am.
    The first few days at her house I mainly walked around and looked but did not touch.
    God she had it all.
    A colored woman just to cook and another one to make up your bed and dust the what-nots. Not dime store what-nots you could tell but costly items. Collectibles I know now to call them. Egyptian type candy jars. She could sell museum tickets I thought. All this stuff collecting dust could go to good use. She could turn a profit I thought.
    Her furniture was chiseled out of wood and the chairs had curvy figures on them not just brown or worn out. The colored lady said the pieces had aged and appreciated. And she said it like it was all part hers. Ha I said to myself and looked some more.
    The curtains were not sheets sewed either. You could wrap yourself up in one and stay warm.
    My mama sewed sheets for my old house. I always figured that was using your head.
    My room was my mama’s room she had when she was little. It had a canopy bed and a fireplace for show. My mama’s mama said she gave me that bedroom because I deserved it. It took me a while to figure out that the room was not a prize or a present for being sweet. I started to think she knew whatall I would see dancing around in that fireplace and how I would need the lights on

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