Embers of Love
gowns at the Christmas dance, perhaps?”
    The girls tried unsuccessfully to suppress their excitement. “That is our desire, as well. Mother was assured they will reach us in plenty of time.” Annabeth’s volume was increasing with her enthusiasm. “My gown is lavender, and Maybelle has one of iced blue. I am positively delirious at the thought of actually wearing the gown for the first time.”
    Mother lifted the china pot. “I’m sure it will be an occasion to remember. Now, would anyone care for more coffee?”
    “None for me,” Mrs. Perkins replied. “In fact, I’m afraid the hour has slipped Mr. Perkins’s attention. We should be making our way back. I’ve so enjoyed our evening.”
    Deborah watched her mother replace the pot and offer Mrs. Perkins a gracious smile. “As have we. I’m so glad you were able to talk Mr. Perkins into bringing us a doctor. The community will benefit from such generosity.”
    “Well, there’s still Mrs. Foster to deal with,” Rachel Perkins said in a conspiratorial tone.
    Deborah’s mother nodded. “She’s served the area as healer and midwife for a very long time. She will, no doubt, be put off at such modernizing.”
    “But with all of the deaths we’ve suffered over the last few years – especially with our women,” Mrs. Perkins replied, “I hardly think we can do anything else. Perhaps it’s her age, but Margaret Foster is clearly unable to deal with the needs of our town.” The two Perkins girls bobbed their heads in agreement. When their mother got to her feet, the sisters followed suit.
    “Do come see me when you are next in town,” Mrs. Perkins told Deborah’s mother. She turned then to Deborah and Lizzie. “You are also welcome. It’s so pleasant to have good friends drop by for a visit.”
    “Thank you, Rachel. I’m sure we will take you up on the offer very soon,” Mother replied.
    They departed, and Deborah was relieved to see them go. She thought the nonsensical Perkins sisters absolutely exhausting. “And to think I considered encouraging G. W. to take up with one of them.”
    “What was that?” Lizzie asked.
    Deborah shook her head. “Nothing much. Just glad to see this evening come to an end. Did you enjoy yourself?”
    “I found it all very fascinating.” Lizzie looped her arm through Deborah’s. “Your family all seem to genuinely enjoy one another’s company. What a concept.”
    Deborah laughed and squeezed Lizzie’s arm. “At times we are less congenial, but for the most part we are quite companionable.”
    “I wish I might have known the same in my family.”
    Her wistful tone caused Deborah to stop. “You can be a part of my family now. We shall love you as our own. And who knows – maybe one day you will truly be a part of it. I do, after all, have two unmarried brothers.”
    Lizzie laughed and playfully nudged Deborah with her elbow. “Yes, and one seems to constantly notice my every move like a child with a new puppy, while the other has no interest whatsoever. Hardly encouraging.”
    Deborah joined in her friend’s laughter. “Well, take heart, Miss Decker. Your visit has only begun. Who is to say what will happen in the days to come?”

    Christopher Clayton frowned as he caught sight of the unpacked crates. He felt he’d been unloading supplies all morning. When Zed Perkins hired him to be the new company doctor, Christopher had given him a long list of things that would be needed for a proper medical facility. As far as he could tell, Mr. Perkins had purchased everything he’d requested. Now it was his job to find a place for each article.
    Another task would be to figure out how to keep the dust and soot from coating everything. Christopher was a firm believer that fresh air was healthy and helped to promote healing; however, the air quality in this town would not always be beneficial. If the wind was blowing just right, it appeared that Perkinsville could escape the worst of it. But if the day was

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