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Book: Emily by Storm Jk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Storm Jk
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water and I was so tired before I touched you. I don’t feel tired now.’
    ‘ Try moving the boot again without touching Applejacks,’ Eric suggested.
    Vladimir was against the idea, remembering how Emily had collapsed the day before. ‘We need to know more about your ability before you try another experiment.’
    ‘ I don’t think there’s a manual where we can look this up,’ Emily softly teased. Vladimir was always very protective of her. ‘I’ll get Applejacks to stand right beside me. He can touch me straight away if I begin to feel weak. I want to try moving the boot again.’
    Not touching Applejacks this time, Emily concentrated on the boot and within seconds it popped away. Emily fell to her knees; the exhaustion was instant. Applejacks pushed his head against her back, propping her up and within seconds his energy flowed into her and she could stand again.
    Vladimir had rushed to Emily. ‘How are you feeling? Your skin is cold.’ His face showed his concern for her.
    ‘ I’m okay,’ Emily responded. With Applejacks’ touch she was instantly better. ‘ Applejacks, how are you my friend? ’
    ‘ I am cold, I did not feel this when you moved the boot while touching me,’ he thought to them.
    Eric asked Applejacks out loud, ‘Did you feel tired when Emily moved the boot without touching you?’ He indicated no with his head. ‘ I just felt cold .’
    ‘ I want to try moving us but only if you want to,’ she said to Applejacks. Applejacks snorted his approval and Emily asked Eric to give her a leg up onto Applejacks’ back. Vladimir and Eric were now looking very uneasy.
    ‘ Emily, are you sure you want to do this now?’ Vladimir’s voice was tight.
    Eric added, ‘There’s no rush for us to work all of this out right now.’
    Emily smiled and replied to the men ‘When is now a good time? That phase had been a favourite of her Fathers’.
    Leaning down she kissed Vladimir on the lips and reached her hand out to Eric, who opened her hand and kissed her palm. The men stood back and with a loud popping sound Emily and Applejacks were gone. Not knowing where she had chosen to go, the men just stood there for five then ten seconds. Vladimir could feel the panic rising in him, where was she?
    Suddenly they were back, both breathing heavily. Vladimir and Eric rushed to them and found that Emily and Applejacks’ skin was as ice cold.
    ‘ Applejacks, are you okay?’ Emily gasped, she felt close to passing out.
    All Applejacks could do was snort his response as the air rushed into his lungs. As Emily slipped off Applejacks, Vladimir caught her and wrapped his arms around her. She welcomed his heat. Eric had picked up his shirt and was rubbing Applejacks, trying to get the heat back into his body.
    ‘What happened, where did you go?’ Eric asked. Applejacks’ body was trembling from the cold.
    ‘ I don’t know where we were,’ Emily replied. ‘There was no air and it was so cold.’
    ‘ We went between,’ Applejacks thought. ‘It is the space we rest in before we move to another place.’
    ‘ Why did you stop there?’ Vladimir asked.
    ‘ It was me,’ Emily cried ‘I lost focus and wondered how we moved, I stopped thinking about where we were going. Oh, Applejacks, I nearly got us killed!’
    ‘ We are here ,’ was Applejacks’ only reply.
    ‘ This is enough for today,’ Vladimir told the group in a tone that brooked no resistance. ‘We will take this up at another time.’
    He carried Emily to the house and wouldn ’t put her down until he had reached their big bed. He lay down besides her, allowing the heat from his body to warm her while he thought about what they had done in the barn.

Chapter 8
    Over the next week the men practised changing into wolves by taking long runs around the farm with Emily joining them riding Applejacks. And Emily practised sending objects, although she didn ’t try to transport herself and Applejacks again. She found that, while she could send

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