
Emily by Storm Jk

Book: Emily by Storm Jk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Storm Jk
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glass window that David could use as an operating room; so far they had not needed to use it for an emergency.
    After the group had gathered, Emily turned to Eric and asked, ‘Why did you turn yesterday, that was the first time without a full moon wasn’t it?’
    Eric was quick with his response, ‘You were in danger, I had to protect you. I didn’t think, it just happened.’ Turning to Vladimir Emily asked the same question.
    Vladimir took longer to answer. ‘I think it was because Eric had turned. I knew he had saved you but we have always turned together.’
    ‘ Was it different from the moon change?’ she asked them.
    They were silent then Vladimir responded, ‘I remember everything clearly from when I turned yesterday.’
    Eric added, ‘I remember everything as well and I was different, less aggressive, more in control.’
    ‘How did you feel about me, would you have hurt me?’ Emily was leading them with her questions.
    ‘ No!’ both men replied quickly.
    ‘ But,’ Vladimir added, ‘we aren’t able to control ourselves like that during a full moon.’
    ‘ How do you know?’ Emily shot back. ‘Have you ever tried?’ Emily delicately reached out to the men, she wanted to gauge their emotions. Eric was getting excited, he could see where she was going. But Vladimir was the opposite. He was aggravated and unsure what Emily was asking of him. Emily decided it was time to tell them her plan.
    ‘ You need to practise being around me in wolf form. I believe that if you are wolves often enough, you’ll be able to control yourself during a full moon.’
    Eric spoke, turning to Vladimir, ‘We need to give this a try, Vlad. I hate living like this.’ Changing the subject to give himself more time to think about Emily’s plan, Vladimir threw a question at her.
    ‘ What about your trick of teleporting Rumour to the cage? How did you do that and why did you get so tired? And how did Applejacks heal you?’
    Now it was Emily ’s turn to pause. ‘I think I’ve done this twice before. Years ago when my parents died in a car crash, I was found in a field 50 metres away from the car. Then I think it happened again when I first met Applejacks as I don’t remember us swimming across the river, I think I teleported Applejacks and myself out of the river.’
    Applejacks projected to Emily, ‘ And you still owe me apples from that day .’ Emily smiled, she loved his humour, and reached out to pat his muzzle.
    Turning back to the men she said, ‘So it looks like we all need to train then.’ Vladimir laughed, Emily had trapped him, he knew he couldn’t say no to her. Eric was smiling now and Applejacks was snorting. The mood between them had become playful.
    ‘ Where should we start?’ Eric asked.
    ‘ Try to turn,’ Emily replied. Both men removed their clothes and Emily marvelled at how beautiful their bodies were. After concentrating for a few minutes nothing happened, and then Emily had an idea.
    ‘ Eric, you were in motion when you changed, try that.’ The men began to jog around the large space and suddenly Eric morphed into his cream wolf. Vladimir, who had been jogging behind Eric, flowed into his grey wolf at the same time. They continued to lope around the barn, finally coming to a stop a few metres from where Emily and Applejacks were standing. Emily had prepared Applejacks for the change but she was still amazed at how calm he was.
    ‘ I like them better as men,’ he informed Emily, ‘they smell different but the same.’
    Emily wasn ’t surprised. Applejacks had always had a highly developed sense of smell for a horse.
    Eric came up to Emily, pushing his head into her arms. She caressed his ears and ran her hands down his back along his well-developed muscles. Vladimir was more guarded approaching Emily. He was as serious a wolf as he was a human.
    Emily probed their minds and asked, ‘ Do you understand me? ’
    Both wolves projected back, ‘ Yes ,’ but it was not in words.
    ‘ Who

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