Mine to Lose

Mine to Lose by T. K. Rapp

Book: Mine to Lose by T. K. Rapp Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. K. Rapp
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nearby. “I’ll be right with you.”
    While she’s taking care of that, we walk
around the leasing office and check out a few of the amenities. I can tell Ryan
is happy with what he’s seen so far.
    “Would you like me to show you the unit,
or would you rather look at it alone?” Reese asks as we walk toward her.
    “I think we’re good.” He looks at me and
I nod in agreement. “Just point us in the right direction.”
    Hand in hand, we walk down the sidewalk
to the apartment, and I’m surprised at how much larger this one is compared to
our place back home. I’ve always heard rent in California is expensive and the
places are small, but then again, his company is paying for this place. It
appears to have been renovated recently, because the updated faux wood floors
and granite countertops look new. The cabinets, carpet and paint are all muted
brown hues and the place screams ‘bachelor pad.’ There’s a twinge of jealousy,
or maybe insecurity, seeing where my soon-to-be husband will live alone for the
next year.
    I remain rooted near the kitchen area
while he explores the rest of the apartment. I resist the urge to look around
since I’m finding it hard not to get upset. If I were moving out here with him,
this is exactly where I would want to be. He emerges from the bedroom and
shrugs his shoulders. “I guess this is my home away from home.” His sigh is
heavy, and I know that he’s just trying to make the best of the situation.
    I turn away and walk to the window to
distract myself from the reality of this moment. This will be his home,
and I’ll be in Colorado without him. I wipe the tear that sneaks out before responding
to his statement.
    “Have fun.”

    I didn’t expect Ryan to pick the second
place that he looked at, but then again, he’s pretty laid back. Had the first
complex not looked scary, he may have chosen it on the spot. I guess
it’s good that we got the hard part out of the way, because now we’ll be able
to spend the rest of the weekend exploring the city and spending our last bits
of time together. I’ve never been to California, so I am excited to see the
    There’s no way to treat this like a vacation
or anything other than what it is. The relocation and the move are ever looming
over our heads. Ryan checks us into the hotel and I remain uncharacteristically
quiet as I follow him to the room. He swipes the room card in the door and
holds it open for me to enter, and as I do, I toss my purse on the dresser.
Before I can do anything else, he pulls me to him and catches me off guard with
a passionate kiss that he plants on my lips.
    “What was that for?” I ask, touching my
lips, eyeing him.
    “I know this is hard for you, but you’re
here with me.” The look in his eyes is loving and I feel like I melt into him
when he holds me.
    “Ryan is this weird?” I mumble into his
chest. “We’re about to be married, but I’ve just helped you pick a home away
from me. I feel like everything is changing and not for the better.”
    “Don’t think of it that way,” he starts
as he pushes me back so he can look at my eyes. “Think of it as the temporary
arrangement it is. You are my home; this is just the place where I’ll be
staying. A place you will be visiting. Often. I hope.”
    Wrapping my arms around him, I try to
push any negativity out and focus on Ryan. The man I love. “I’ll come out as
often as I can.”
    I’m sure the reality of that statement
isn’t lost on him. Working for one of the most well known event planners in
town, with a growing clientele, is a dream. But it also keeps me quite busy.
During the week I’m scheduling, consulting and monitoring events, and as of
late, my weekends are filled with weddings and other corporate events. The
chances that over the next few months I’ll be able to fly out on the weekends
are slim to none, but I can’t say that to Ryan because he will assume I’m
trying to be difficult.
    He grabs my

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