Enchanted: Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women
seeing anyone in their travels so far, but she knew that the likelihood of seeing other cats and mice would increase tremendously if they left their current shelter. Surely this fiend who was to be her master for the evening would not be so depraved as to force her to accompany him out there!
    "I know where it leads," he was saying. "I have a desire for some fresh air, and you shall accompany me."
    "But there are cats out there!" She would not— could not— possibly go out there, where everyone would see her in this position and henceforward think of her as a slave. What was she to do?
    He saw the look of wild desperation on her face, but he could not let up now— not when he had come so far with her. He was determined to have her submit to him fully, and he knew that the only way to accomplish that was to win completely. He was amazed that she had lasted this long. But he knew she could hold out no longer. She would rather do anything than to serve him publicly on her hands and knees. And he certainly had no intention of allowing the other cats to see her so demeaned.
    With an air of impatience he gently nudged her forward with his leg. "Onward, slave!" he demanded.
    She didn't budge. Tears were running down her face. He fought the urge to stop the game and take her in his arms. But there would be plenty of time for that later, and he forced himself to give her another nudge. "Let's go, wench." But his voice was losing its authority. He was astounded by her stubbornness. Take the challenge, he mentally implored her; you will still lose, but at least you'll do so with a little more dignity.
    "I'll take the challenge," she choked between sobs.
    He let out a sigh. "Stand up, then," he said, feigning indifference. "Unless you've grown to like it down there."
    Mouse shot up like a rocket. She was trembling with relief and busied herself with dusting off her hands and knees as she tried to regain her composure. It occurred to her that she had put herself through all that humiliation for no good reason. What did she care that the wager was unreasonably high? She would not— could not— lose to him a second time, for this time it would require a confession from her lips, and she still had full command of that organ, if not the other parts of her body. No, he could never make her utter in words the same admission her body had given.
    Cat led Mouse to his quarters, which, of course, were far superior to her little hole in the wall. It irked her that the cats always had so much more than the mice, especially since the reality was that mice worked just as hard, if not harder than the cats. She looked at him, agitated and uncertain.
    "So all I have to do is remain here with you without— " she paused "— without…"
    "Without confessing your true feelings for me?" he suggested with a grin.
    "Without confirming your illusions regarding my feelings for you," she corrected, becoming more hopeful and composed now. "And for how long do you plan to keep me here?"
    "Will two hours, do you think, be sufficient?" he asked sweetly. "It will by no means take me the full two hours to have you issuing forth a confession of your desire for me, but still, I find two hours to be the amount of time I most prefer to spend in this particular pastime." He walked casually toward the window to hide his countenance from her. He could only defeat her if she took the bait.
    "I don't care a fig about your personal preferences," she stormed, wishing that she could just once make him lose his smug self-assurance.
    "Is that your way of asking for three hours instead of two?" he taunted.
    "Two hours is more than enough time to have to endure your presence," she replied. "And you will be the only one 'issuing forth confessions' of any kind."
    He congratulated himself on his ability to lure her in, yet again. She would indeed be a dangerous opponent if she were not so hotheaded. He removed the smile from his lips and turned to face her. "Another

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