Enchanted: Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women
he rejoined. "But it is flattering to know that your first instinct is to assume that you would be the loser."
    This irritated her pride, and she grumbled resentfully, "It was only by using trickery that you won the last bet. It was completely unfair, and I can assure you that it will not happen again." Although she could not help remembering his prying hand, and wondered how she could make true her rash statement.
    "Am I to understand that you wish to undergo the test again?" he asked with a taunting smile.
    "No!" she blurted, mortified. She tried to hide her blushing cheeks by turning her head away from him in an arrogant gesture. "What I mean is that I dispute the accuracy of such a barbarian test."
    "Oh, I can assure you that it is a more accurate way to find out the truth than by your words," he argued. "What I felt there was definitely not 'disgust.'"
    She was annoyed and embarrassed by the reminder. "If you had the impact on me that you suppose, it seems that you could somehow have extracted the truth from my lips."
    "Is that another challenge?" he asked.
    "I…well," she stammered, a little more wary this time. But all at once she seemed to make up her mind. "Yes!"
    He held out his hand to her. "So, you accept the terms— namely this night of slavery against becoming my wife?"
    "Those terms are not fair, and you know it!" she protested.
    "Whether it's fair or not, I cannot say," he replied. "But it is for me, as the reigning victor, to set the terms, and there they are. Take 'em or leave 'em."
    Her jaw was set in an obstinate expression as the anger flashed in her eyes. She would be damned if she would agree to his outrageous terms. "Let's get this night over with," she snapped.
    He sighed, silently debating over how long it would take him to break her down to the point where she would accept his terms. He was torn between two and three minutes. He placed his hand on the small of her back and pushed forward gently. "On all fours then, slave," he reminded her.
    She took a deep breath, assuring herself that she could do this. But her first attempt failed. Her limbs felt unusually stiff. It was as if they possessed a will of their own, and refused to bend under the present circumstances. Her face was scarlet when she was finally able to force her body to submit, and at length she found herself prostrate before the arrogant cat, on hands and knees.
    The position was new to her. She was overcome with shame and mortification. But there was something else. She felt agitated and inexplicably high-strung. Unwelcome tears filled her eyes. She struggled to stifle her sobs so that her tormentor would not know the extent of her discomfiture. He, meanwhile, positioned himself behind her. Though she pressed her legs together as much as possible, she knew that in this position she could not hide herself from his view. The strange stirrings this provoked within her caused the tears to flow faster. She was in a dangerously emotional and excitable state.
    Cat's hand caressed her exposed area possessively. He chuckled as he once again felt her wet desire. She gasped, on the verge of panic. I must regain my composure, she thought. But there was such turmoil within her that she hardly knew where to begin.
    Her captor slapped her buttocks lightly, saying, "Forward, slave." Awkwardly she crawled forward, hating him more with every advance. He walked behind her, enjoying the view, but not really liking to see her so subjugated. He felt that she was definitely at her most magnificent when she stood in a posture of authority.
    Tears threatened to gush forth again, but Mouse blinked them back as best she could, determined to maintain an appearance, at least, of internal composure. But with every movement she felt more debased and was quickly giving way to despair.
    "Left here, if you please," Cat instructed cheerfully.
    She abruptly stopped.
    "But that leads outdoors into the public," she protested in horror. By some miracle they had avoided

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