End Online: Volume 5
us to the island in
the south. There is bound to be someone who can help. We must just be looking
in the wrong spot,” I remind everyone, trying to bring us back on topic.
    “Wait, y’all are lookin’ to explore south based on some rumor?”
CaptainGordon asks us curiously.
    Sir Laurence speaks to him this time, “Yes. What is it to you?”
    “I can take y’all if ye want. Well, for a price, of course.”
    His words leave us all momentarily stunned. All day looking for
a single sailor to take us on our journey with no luck, yet someone willing
appears right in front of us?
    “What’s the price?” I ask, still trying to determine whether he
is being honest or not.
    “100 gold, a piece. There is six of ye, so 600 gold total.”
    I am about to laugh at him for asking for such a cheap price,
but suddenly realize I have gotten used to the prices in Swordbreak. Normally,
the price he is asking is actually considered quite high for mere passage on a
    We all look at each other, confirming each other’s thoughts. Sir
Laurence, Verde, Matrix and Mason nod their heads toward me. There is no need
to consider Fen’s opinion, who just looks at me nonchalantly.
    “Agreed, 600 gold it is,” I say to CaptainGordon who beams at
the sudden income of gold.
    “Excuse me, I am also curious about this southern island. Would
I possibly be able to join?” A player at a nearby table comes over and asks.
    The player is wearing a light yellow set of half-plate armor
which gives off an incredibly sturdy feeling. One of his arms is covered in
thick layers of overlapping armor, jutting up at the shoulder and protecting
his neck as well. While the other arm is exposed from the shoulder to his
gauntlet, showing off an average sized arm which is covered in dense muscles.
On his back, he carries a mid-sized, silver kite shield inlaid with ebony
thread and a golden longsword.
    I try to get a look at his face, but he is wearing a full face
knight’s helm with only a few holes in the visor to see out of, but prevents
anyone from seeing in.
    CaptainGordon also looks up at the new player and enters a state
of thought.
    “Aye, I can bring ye on as well! The price be 200 gold,” he
finally says.
    The heavily armored player, who at first seemed to be polite,
takes half a step forward and leans in on the small pirate and speaks in a low
voice, “That’s twice what you asked from them. Don’t try to rip me off.”
    “It’s a bulk discount. Ye be on yer own. 200 gold, or no ship.”
    Just as the situation is about to become hostile, a group of
five players walk up and stand next to the person trying to intimidate
CaptainGordon. Their leader is an extremely tall woman wearing heavy armor
colored similarly to the knight’s, only with much more skin exposed. She has
average looks, with brass-colored skin, olive eyes, and slightly bushy
    The woman places a hand on the knight’s shoulder and gives him a
cold smile, “How ’bout if us five join you. That will make a full party of six,
and we can all get the group discount and venture to this land in the south.
What do you say, guildmaster?”
    Even without being able see under his helm, I can see how
stunned the knight is.
    “Y-you! W-what are you doing here?!” He exclaims disbelievingly.
    “Surely you didn’t think you could simply leave the guild which
was created just for you. What would we do if you were gone?”
    “You followed me all the way here?!”
    “Of course.”
    The knight’s head drops in defeat. I guess these people must be
pretty relentless.
    Taking the opportunity, CaptainGordon grins wickedly. “How ’bout
it? 600 gold for six of ye?”
    “Fine,” the guildmaster sounds depressed.
    “Great! So what’re yer names? May as well know who we all be
sailin’ with.”
    “My name is Mikhail the Stalwart, and this is-“
    “Moonkite,” the woman cuts the knight off. “The others are
JohnSmite, Lockon, Somahealer, and RenegadeRam.”
    “Ye guys speak up

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