
Enraptured by Ginger Voight

Book: Enraptured by Ginger Voight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginger Voight
Tags: Fiction, Sagas
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I felt my orgasm build.
    “Again,” he insisted, his eyes engulfing me as he ground himself into me.
    “Drew,” I managed as I tipped over the edge.
    He shuddered against me. With one final trust he spent himself inside of me with a primal grunt.
    He collapsed against me as he fought to catch his breath. His eyes finally closed as his mouth covered mine for a deep kiss.
    “Now we are one,” he declared in a breathless whisper. “My bride. My wife. My Rachel.”
    He stayed sheathed inside my body for long moments afterwards. Finally he propped himself up on one elbow. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Did I hurt you?”
    I shook my head. “I’m fine.”
    He grinned as he brushed my cheek with his thumb. “You’re more than fine. You’re perfect.” He kissed me again and I felt his body jump within mine.
    Our honeymoon had finally, officially, begun.

Chapter Five
    We barely made it out of our suite the rest of the weekend. Drew seemed determined to make up for lost time now that I had let that final barrier between us fall. I was effectively branded by the time the sun rose early that Monday morning we were due to return home. I woke to find him spooning me from behind, his arm tight around my waist, his lips against the back of my neck.
    There was a smile in his gravelly voice as he asked, “Ready to head home, Mrs. Fullerton?”
    I thought about Jonathan, who waited for us in Los Angeles. I nodded with a contented grin. He pulled me onto my back for a good morning kiss. With my stomach issues, we couldn’t get too amorous too quickly. Instead he planted several chaste kisses on my lips before cuddling me close.
    “We’re going to have a busy few weeks once we get back,” he advised as he twirled his finger along my bare back. “I have two weeks’ worth of work at the office, and you have two weeks’ of work with Jonathan.”
    “I’m ready,” I said with a smile. “I’ve missed him.”
    “You’ll get to see a lot more of him in the near future,” Drew assured. “I’m petitioning the judge for primary custody.”
    “So soon?”
    “Long overdue,” he corrected. “It just doesn’t make sense for him to stay two weeks wi th Elise when you live in the house now. He needs to be with us to continue his education and his progress. Elise can take him on the weekends until I can figure out a way to get her out of his life completely.”
    “She’s his mother, Drew,” I corrected gently.
    “You’re his mother,” he shot back. “In every way that counts. When you left and she got full custody, everything went to hell. She let that punk kid Deneke get Jonathan hooked on drugs, for chrissakes. He could have died, Rachel.”
    I thought back to that day when I found Max in the pool, a sad accident that followed Justin and Jonathan getting high at Alex’s ranch. I shivered in spite of myself.
    “You came back and righted everything that went wrong. The courts will see that.”
    “I’m not going to willingly take a child away from his mother, Drew. We need to find a way to co-parent.”
    “You need to stop romanticizing her, Rachel. She’s not a good person. She’s a user. An opportunist.”
    “Are you sure you’re not just saying that because of the affair?”
    He let me go briefly to grab his phone. He opened up his email and showed me some text from his lawyer, stating that he had filed to stop alimony now that Drew had remarried and that Elise had moved in with Derek. That effort was met with Elise filing a motion of her own, stating that she had terminated her relationship with Derek and could not afford to have her payments reduced at this time.
    I felt sick as I read the email.
    “Even her hot new boy toy doesn’t matter to her as much as her money,” he sneered. “The only reason she wants Jonathan is for child support payments. It’s not to be a parent, I promise you.”
    “I think you’re wrong, Drew.”
    “We’ll soon see,” he said as he put the phone back on the night

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