
Enslaved by Ray Gordon Page B

Book: Enslaved by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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married, but.. . Well, there's no rush. Besides, I'm not sure that I really want to settle down just yet.'
    'Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that you were married?'
    'No, no.'
    'Do you work?' he asked, his gaze still glued to her creamy vaginal crack.
    'No, I'm not working at the moment - I was made redundant. I'm hoping to start a business from home.'
    'What sort of work did you do?'
    'Secretarial work for an export company.'
    'I'm looking for a new personal assistant, if you're interested?'
    'Really? Well, I suppose .. . Where are you based?'
    'Just outside town - Greenways Industrial Estate. You'd have a company car, of course.'
    'Oh! Er... I don't know what to say!' Marianne smiled, closing her legs and tugging her dress down to conceal her girl-crack. I shouldn't have come across as too tarty!
    'Say yes! What have you got to lose?'
    Marianne's opinion of Brooke-Smith was rapidly changing. Perhaps he's not the pompous git I thought he was? she mused as she rose to pour herself a vodka-and-lime. 'Sounds interesting,' she smiled, imagining roaming around his office - knickerless. 'The thing is .. .'
    'Is there a problem?' he interrupted, handing her his empty glass.
    If only he knew about the word! 'No, no, it's just that. .. As I said, I was hoping to start something from home.'
    'You could do that later - you're only young, you've all the time in the world!'
    'Yes, I suppose I have.'
    Passing him his drink, Marianne wondered at Barry's reaction to her working for Brooke-Smith. He'd be assured of future contracts, which was all he seemed to be interested in! Perhaps he'd react favourably? He'd probably delight in having her on the inside, gleaning inside information about his competitors.
    'What's this new product you're launching?' she asked. 'I really don't know anything about your company - Barry doesn't talk about his clients, you see.'
    'I'm in soft drinks. The television advertising campaign is to launch a new orange drink we've developed. We've called it Golden Pip.'
    'What's the salary?'
    'Negotiable! I'm sure we could come to an amicable agreement - if you know what I mean?'
    Marianne did know what he meant! So, it's my body he's after! she thought excitedly as she relaxed, allowing her thighs to fall apart again. 'I'll give it some thought,' she smiled as she heard the front door closing. 'I'll just see how Barry's getting on. I won't be a minute.'
    Frowning as she entered the kitchen, she asked Barry why he was back so soon. 'The bloody contract was in my car!' he swore. 'I saw it on the passenger seat as I drove round the corner!'
    'You're getting worse! Anyway, I've secured the contract for you.'
    'What? But how...'
    'I'll tell you later. It's about time you joined him, you've hardly spoken to him since he arrived! Get him to sign the contract, and I'll sort the food out.'
    'What did you do to make him. ..'
    'I'm a woman, Barry - we women have our ways!'
    Marianne sat quietly during the meal. Barry did his boring arse-licking piece, sucking up to his client, which annoyed her but, exasperating though the evening was, she was thankful that Brooke-Smith didn't mention her working for him. That was a subject she wanted to broach when she was alone with Barry.
    After the meal, the men retired to the lounge, leaving Marianne to clear away the dishes, and to think about the job offer. He s obviously attracted by my naked pussy! she mused as she loaded the dishwasher, praying that Barry would tell him about the word. God, I'm turning into a tart! What the hell? Money's money! And a car!
    Making the coffee, Marianne's thoughts turned to Jill, the wanton act of lesbian sex she had enjoyed with the young girl. Recalling the vibrator, Jill's hot mouth engulfing her clitoris, her fingers massaging her inner vaginal flesh, her thoughts then lurched to Brooke-Smith. God, I flashed my pussy at him! she recalled excitedly, wondering again at the incredible change she'd gone through.
    'He's got to go, Marianne,' Barry said as he

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