
Enslaved by Ray Gordon

Book: Enslaved by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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pinstriped suit, crisp white shirt and tie, he reminded her of an authoritative boss. But who was in control, who was the boss? As he gazed between her naked thighs, she realized the power she had over him. Whatever he was, he was a man, a man who appreciated the female form, she mused as she parted her legs a little further.
    'Sorry about that,' Barry apologized as he entered the room. Glancing at Marianne's blatantly exposed naked pussy, his mouth hanging open, he frowned. 'Er. . . how's the meal coming on? Do you ... do you need a hand?' he asked hesitantly, making odd facial expressions that she took to mean that he wanted to speak to her in the kitchen.
    Til go and check,' she smiled, rising to her feet, deliberately leaving her dress hoisted up to reveal her beautiful pussy-crack.
    Taking the curry from the simmering oven, Marianne concealed a grin as Barry closed the kitchen door and breathed the magical word. She stood still, her expression blank as she awaited his instructions. 'Go and put your panties on!' he ordered her with a hint of anger in his voice. 'When I said give him the come-on, I didn't mean . .. Just go and put your bloody panties on, you dozy bitch! Now, wake up.'
    Taking the plates from the shelf, Marianne asked Barry how long he thought Brooke-Smith would be staying. 'I don't want him here to the early hours,' she said. 'It's not easy being nice to someone you don't like!'
    'He won't stay too long, he's a busy day tomorrow,' Barry replied. 'Here, I'll do that - if you need to go upstairs?' he added, wondering why she hadn't immediately followed his instruction.
    Leaving the room, Marianne knew that she'd got one over Barry. Far from her being unable to go through with the plan, it was Barry who couldn't cope with it! Jealousy was his weak point, and she was determined to play on it, she decided as she entered the bedroom, lifting her dress and gazing at her proud vaginal lips reflected in the full-length mirror. 'No, no panties!' she affirmed wickedly. "This is what he wanted me to do, and this is what I'm going to do!'
    Returning to the kitchen, Marianne bent over to take the naan bread from the oven, deliberately exposing her taut buttocks, her bloated vaginal lips to Barry's wide eyes. She could feel his seething anger, his rising jealousy, as she wantonly exposed the very centre of her femininity.
    'Juxtaposition!' he breathed through gritted teeth. Marianne stood up, her dress high over her rounded buttocks, revealing her dark dividing crease. 4 Put your bloody panties on, woman!' Barry spat. Til do the food - you go upstairs and put your bloody panties on!'
    As he brought her out of her hypnotic trance , Marianne grinned inwardly. She was winning the game, beating Barry at his own game - and she was loving every minute of her sweet revenge! 'Will you deal with the food?' she smiled amicably. 'I'm just going upstairs for a minute.'
    Entering the lounge, she smiled at Brooke-Smith. 'I hope you like curry?' she asked as she sat in the armchair.
    'Very much!' he replied, holding his empty glass up.
    'Here, let me get you another drink. So, what's this contract all about?' she asked, tossing her long golden locks over her shoulder and taking his glass.
    'An advertising campaign. «We're launching a new product this autumn and... Well, to be honest, I really don't think your husband's company is up to the job!'
    Husband? Husband-to-be - not to be! 'Oh, why's that?' she asked nonchalantly.
    'They've made too many cock-ups in the past, I'm afraid. It's a competitive business - there are plenty of other companies out there only too willing to . ..'
    'Oh well, I'm sure Barry's not bothered one way or the other,' Marianne smiled, standing before him and passing him the glass.
    'But I thought that he ...'
    'Barry doesn't really care one way or the other!' she laughed wickedly, wondering why she was trying to ruin Barry's chances of getting the contract. Revenge was one thing, but to destroy Barry? 'To be

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