Enslaving the Princess (Mind Control Breeding)
the idea with Victor, it seemed like not a good idea at all. She made
fun of Dell as she rejected him, called him a dirty old man. Victor suggested
it all, and  Camille listened. The beautiful young brunette was lucky she had.
The Counselor had made so many good decisions for her.
    Victor's hand was
on her thigh, fingers thumping along. He was so patient.
    “It makes me feel
. . . I don't know. It makes me wish that your love potion would hurry up and
    When Camille had
revealed her love for the Princess—it was only a short time after she turned
down the apprenticeship that she had realized her affection, making Victor's
suggestion that she turn down Dell even better—Victor had crafted her a love
potion to use.
    It looked awfully
similar to the little drinks he made her, but Victor promised her that it
wasn't the same. And it felt so good to trust Victor. He was so right
and strong.
    He nodded sagely.
“Yes, I can see how you would want it to work. Though I would proposition that
it already is.”
    She looked
puzzled. “What do you mean?”
    “Have you noticed
any—shall we say—other instances of amorous activity of the Princess before
    “Oh, no. Not at
    Princess Mariana was well-known throughout the kingdom for being rather icy.
Glacial, as a matter of fact, when it came to romance. At eighteen, she was
years beyond the proper age of betrothal. But her father, the King, was wrapped
around her pretty finger, and let her do whatever she wanted.
    It was easy to let
Mariana do whatever she wanted. The young blond was beyond gorgeous—most of the
populace was convinced she was a living divinity, some physical form of one of
the Seven Divines.
    There was a
saying—as Princess Mariana went, so went the Kingdom of Elysia. Certainly the
King went along with anything she had to say, even more so since his wife's
death some years past.
    “Well,” Victor ran
a hand through her hair. Camille trembled again, harder this time. She could
feel it in her nipples, starting to stand up firmly against the loose cloth of
her half-open blouse. “I would take that as a good sign, my dear. She was
obviously overcome with emotion in your presence. Perhaps, being so long without
a partner, or without any real affection, she simply didn't know how to
proposition you correctly?”
    Camille nodded
eagerly. That made perfect sense. Victor was always making such good sense.
    When she had first
come to him, weeks ago, he made sense right away. Well, she hadn't so much come
to him as he had shown up in her quarters. But then he took out his wonderful
crystal of truth.
    He explained,
quite well, how no one could lie when the crystal was taken out.
    Look at how well
it sparkled and shined. It was impossible to think that anything he said was
something other than the truth, wasn't it? Wasn't that crystal nice?
    That night, he
revealed how much he cared for her. How he saw her as a daughter, or maybe a
little sister. And how she needed to confide in him.
    When Camille had
first started talking to Victor, she believed silly things—like that she didn't
want to be a handmaiden forever, even a royal one. That she had big, grand
aspirations. Become an apprentice to someone. Maybe the herbalist? Maybe even
be the royal herbalist someday?
    Victor helped her
realize that was just part of her latent repression of her sexuality. That what
she really wanted was to fall in the arms of sweet, gorgeous Princess Mariana,
and lick her pussy forever after.
    “I think you must
be right, Counselor Victor,” she said sweetly. “It's just...it's so hard to see
things how you do, sometimes. You're so wise and kind.”
    “Perhaps my little
crystal could make things a bit more clear?”
    “Oh yes,” she said
breathily, her chest heaving, one hand coming up to paw at his bicep. “Please,
let me look into the crystal again?”
    “Very well,” he
said, reaching into his pocket. “Assume the truth position, my dear.”

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