Enslaving the Princess (Mind Control Breeding)
Camille, the young
nineteen year-old handmaiden to the cruel Princess Mariana, once again found
herself turning to Counselor Victor for comfort. She sat in his lap, as always.
That was one of the rules he had. She could tell him whatever he wanted, but she
had to sit on his lap, first.
    “It was awful!”
Camille shuddered. She was so glad the Counselor was there, that he was so
strong when she felt so weak. “She took Ana, that damned Tryptian whore, and
just led her face down between her lap as I was right there! I was brushing the
Princess's hair, and she just stops to get her cunny licked by someone else!
Can you believe it?”
    Victor tsked.
“Tell me about that.”
    “Well Ana, I mean,
she's beautiful. That dark skin, you know. It's like chocolate. If I wasn't so in
love with the Princess myself, I would be happy to watch someone like her lick
someone like that. And Ana—she looked so scared at first! Like she wasn't
really enjoying it, but she had to, because otherwise Princess Mariana would
punish her somehow?”
    Camille ran a hand
down her half-open blouse. How had it gotten so open? Oh well. Victor was so
nice. He wouldn't mind her cooling off. She tweaked a nipple. Her open blouse
revealed a tautly muscled young torso.
    “That's kind of
hot, actually,” Camille admitted. “The look in her eyes, like that. Scared, but
accepting. Right before she dove in, it looked like she was smiling. Like being
that close to the Princess's pussy just turned her on too much. I'm just . . .
I'm just jealous, is all.”
    They were in his
office in his tower, located in the back of Fairmount Palace. The room was
spacious, filled with piles of books on every table and desk, with long groups
of flasks and burners off to one corner in the back.
    His tower was
sometimes known to the locals as the Cruel Spiral, due to allegations that he
would kidnap portions of the populace and experiment on them—Camille didn't buy
into such things, of course. Victor had never been anything but lovely to her.
That's why she came straight to him with news like this.
    His lap was
expansive, as Victor was a large man. He had a shaved head, and a dark, trimmed
beard, and was rather young to be a Counselor.
    She knew he was
actually the youngest Counselor in the Kingdom for over five hundred years.
Counselors were the right hands of the King, offering advice to the throne and
enacting royal wills on the populace. Normally, there were two or three or even
four Counselors at one time. But Victor was the only one the King had
    His rise to power
had come after a series of unfortunate deaths, sudden retirements, and one case
of thorough madness from his long line of predecessors. They all had Victor as
an apprentice, and much suspicion had at one time been cast upon him; but of
course, he was innocent. If he wasn't innocent, how had he gotten the job?
    “How does that
make you feel, dearie?”
    Camille shook her
head, her thick, long dark hair sweeping across her svelte form. She had to
struggle to look into his piercing, ice-blue gaze for long. His eyes felt like
they were breaking her mind apart, but in a good way. The way that cinnamon
broke apart on top of a hot cup of tea.
    It felt sometimes
like this was all so very wrong. That she shouldn't be sitting in his lap like
this. That she should be fighting, perhaps. Or running away. Or telling someone
she knew about what they discussed. But, then she would come up to him and
complain, and he would calmly explain how much he cared for her and make her a
special little drink that made all her cares go away.
    Still, every little
while, the thought crept back up. Why was she still a handmaiden? She
remembered the herbalist, Dell, had offered her a job tending the garden, to be
an apprentice underneath him. She even remembered being excited about it.
Camille loved herbs, loved plants, loved watching the way they twisted and grew
and vibrated with the force of the planet.
    But after she

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