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Book: Enticed by Amy Malone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Malone
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few feet behind her, now.
    Tammy’s keys jingled in one hand as she walked. She turned around suddenly. Damn, must’ve heard me walking. Their eyes met. Tammy sensed his intent, correctly. He didn’t bother hiding it, letting a smile cross his face once more. He reached into his pocket, turning on the recorder he used to take notes and reminders. Jeremy now understood the craftiness of the she-devil he was dealing with, and felt that there was a good chance it would play to his favor, later.
    Jeremy dashed toward her, closing the distance fast. Tammy inhaled to scream, calling the forces of the whatever human beings resided in the motel as well as the clerk. Jeremy silenced her with one, single, accusatory word. A name.
    “Mark!” he shouted quickly, pointing to his fairly disfigured face.
    Tammy paused to process this, realizing she knew this man.
    “ Jerem-“ but Jeremy’s hand cut her off, as he had closed the distance while she’d been considering. Yanking her door key out of her hand as she struggled, he unlocked her door with one hand, pushing it open with his foot and shoving her inside, letting it close behind them.
    “You used me, you bitch.”
    Tammy paused on her motel room floor, considering the situation.
    “I’ll scream,” she said, her mind working to buy time.
    “No you won’t. Not if you’re dressed like that. You’ve got money. Money means rich, judgmental, shallow friends. Especially for people like you. Believe me, I know,” he said it chuckling easily. “And if you scream, I’ll make sure everyone knows what I did to you. After all, my life will be over, anyway.”
    “What do you want? Do you need money?” she asked, beginning to plead. Jeremy was right, of course. She wouldn’t risk her reputation, even if it meant this man would take her. Jeremy laughed at her plea, having to stop for breath. Tammy’s mind raced even as her heart beat fast.
    “Nope. I’ve got enough of that, for sure. Even after the divorce. No, what I’m looking for is a good time with a certain conniving cunt,” he said it, staring at her wildly.
    “P- please,” she said, still on the floor, too weak with fear to stand.
    “Please? You should’ve thought about ‘please’ when you called my ass out here to become a candidate for plastic surgery.”
    “I don’t want this…”
    “Yes you do. You’ve had your phone behind your back since we got inside. You could’ve dialed someone by now. Why haven’t you?”
    Tammy froze. It was true. She’d been inching it to her side, just within view. She even had the dial pad pulled up, but hadn’t pressed a button. She tried to tell herself that it was for the same reason she didn’t scream, but that didn’t make any sense. If she called 911, he would be forced to leave so that he could be gone before the authorities arrived. She wouldn’t even have to explain what had happened, explaining it as a mistake, after.
    Tammy felt her loins moisten, even as her mouth watered. Is my body betraying me? No…I can’t let it. I was supposed to wait until I got Mark.
    As if reading her thoughts, Jeremy walked up to her, bending over to look her straight in the face.
    “You’re not getting Mark. He’s with his new bitch now. And trust me, that pussy is too good to come back from.”
    Tammy felt lost.
    “I’ll tell you what. If you say you don’t want me to fill all your holes with my cum in the next three seconds, I’ll leave without another word,” he said it without breaking eye contact.
    This is my chance, Tammy thought. But though she moved her lips slowly, no words came out.
    “One,” Jeremy counted, bending down one of the three fingers he’d been holding up.
    God, what am I doing? Why can’t I say it?
    “Two.” Another finger curled down.
    That was when Tammy realized. She’d rather be with someone crazy than all alone with only herself in a cheap motel in the middle of nowhere, staying up and staring at the ceiling while her ex-husband fucked

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