asserted. “Don’t feel guilty just because you’re successful. You fought nearly everyone every step of the way. Your triumph is hard-won.”
    I nodded. He was right. I had taken my lumps and paid my dues, just like anyone else in this business. Hell, I was still paying them, especially after the debacle of the tour. My career was seriously compromised by how badly I had been skewered in the press. As far as PING and Miles O’Rourke were concerned, I was this heartless, selfish man-eater, who had tread Shelby and Eddie underfoot to get what I wanted. I could just imagine what they would do if they found out about Maya and Diego.
    “You know what it’s like to have nothing,” he continued as he brushed my hair from my eyes. “And you pulled yourself up out of that with nothing more than your indomitable will and your amazing talent.”
    “I was lucky,” I corrected. My voice had opened doors for me and I knew it. If I had been in Maya’s shoes, who could say how I would have ended up? I might have found my own Ronald on the downward spiral. God knows I found an Eddie, and that had been bad enough.
    Jace sighed. “It makes me crazy when you say that. It’s like you don’t feel you deserve your success.”
    “Maybe I don’t,” I muttered.
    He took my chin in his hand. “You may have gotten a better hand than some in life, but it’s not just what you’re given. It’s about what you do with it. You work harder than anyone I know, Jordi. That’s the reason you made it.”
    I wasn’t convinced. It all seemed a bit random to me after hearing Maya’s story.
    But, then again, that could have been the point.
    As we waited for room service, Jace and I discussed the particulars of her story, and he voiced his skepticism. He pointed out that it was all a little too pathetic, and a little too detailed. He pointed out that if she really didn’t want money, she wouldn’t have let us seen how in need she really was.
    I wasn’t sure about that, either. Obviously she was in very poor health. Walking the two feet from the recliner to the bookshelf winded her. From her pallor, I suspected she didn’t even go outside.
    All I could do was promise that I wouldn’t make any decisions until I got more information. I even fired off an email to my investigator to confirm her story as best that he could. After that, Jace and I retired to the bedroom, cuddling together as we watched a comedy on pay-per-view to take our mind off of things.
    It wasn’t until we were settling down to sleep when I finally said, “I want to stay a few more days, Jace.”
    He had me cuddled in the crook of his arm, his thumb brushing rhythmically brushing against my bare shoulder. The minute the sentence was out of my mouth, his hand flattened against my back. “Jordi…”
    “I know what you’re going to say. But I need to find out more. I can’t just leave. Not like this.”
    He sighed. There was a long pause before he spoke again. “OK,” he finally relented. “But I have to go back,” he reminded. “Are you going to be OK if I leave tomorrow?”
    I nodded, though I knew I was lying through my teeth. I just held him t ight as we drifted off to sleep, drawing on his strength while he was still close enough to touch.

    Las Vegas, Nevada
    May 28, 2012
    The next day Jace left by noon, our original checkout date. I extended my stay , and my car rental, for a week. That would give me enough time to get to know Maya, to peer through any holes in her story firsthand if there were any. It also gave me a little wiggle room to hear back from my private investigator. By then I would know what I could or be willing to do for my birth mother and half-sibling.
    I employed sunglasses and hats if I had to get around in public, which I had been able to avoid thanks to a dedicated concierge who would get anything for me I couldn’t get for myself… including said hat and sunglasses. This disguise allowed me to escape beyond the

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